Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University invites all scientists and researchers to the second international conference "National languages in academic research and higher education", to be held in Tallinn, Estonia.  Please register by September 20th.

The European Union promotes multilingualism and cultural diversity. However, English has become a predominant language in scientific research and publishing, whereas the internationalisation of higher education is often reduced to using more and more English as a language of instruction at universities.

If you are not able to travel for any reason, or you are not able to participate at the location, there will be a possibility to join remotely. In both cases, the participation fee is 100 €. The link will be sent before the conference. For students of Estonian universities, attending conference sessions is FREE, but registration is needed.

Working languages of the conference are Estonian and English, with simultaneous interpreting available.

Program, Keynote speakers and conference information