Tallinn University of Technology

Internship Café is your unique opportunity to meet reputable local and international companies, discover exciting internship and career opportunities, and create valuable contacts for the future.

Praktikakohvik toimub TalTechi peamaja aulas.

On March 1st, the assembly hall of TalTech will be hosting several successful companies, from which you can find your dream internship or even future employer. Come and take the next step in your career!

This is not your usual trade fair-like event: instead of brief browsing and collecting business cards, you have the opportunity to sit down with specialists from different companies who will gladly answer your questions. We will gradually be revealing and introducing companies under the FB event, so follow us and stay up-to-date with the latest information!

Internship Café is primarily aimed at IT students, but this is definitely not a requirement. Students from other Schools are also welcome to participate: there will be something new and interesting for everyone.

The event is organized by The Student Council of the School of IT in collaboration with TalTech’s School of Information Technologies.

FB event  Homepage