Tallinn University of Technology

You are invited to Elsevier workshop on March 23 in the room SOC-221.


13:30–15:00 Scopus for researchers

  • Searching for relevant literature – search techniques demonstration

  • Author profiles and how to work with them – with cases and step-by-step instructions

15.00–15.30 Recreation break
15:30–17.00 How to find a good journal wisely

  • Good practice in choosing journals

  • Using Scopus and other Elsevier solutions for authors (demonstration of workflows)

  • Tips for authors to avoid predatory journals

The workshop will be conducted by Elsevier customer consultants Paula Milewska and Bartek Więckowski. Take a chance to find out how to search for prestigious journals and use the features Elsevier offers to save your time. 

More information: katri.magi@taltech.ee