Tallinn University of Technology

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On Monday September 4 at 13.00, prof Gabriele Kotsis will give a talk titled "Energy Consumption of Mobile Devices". The talk by prof Gabriele Kotsis will take place in room ICT-315, starting at 13.00. Prof Gabriele Kotsis is also participating as member of the defence committee, in the role of opponent, in the PhD defence of Silvia Lips (the defence will take place Sept 4, 15:00, ICT-638).

Abstract: Understanding the energy implications of software design choices is an ongoing research challenge, especially when working with mobile devices that are constrained by limited battery life. In this talk, approaches will be presented supporting software developers to better comprehend the energy implications of software design choices. System API Utilization Profiles (uAPI) are proposed which are based on the general assumption that the actual energy consumption of a library is directly tied to its utilization of the underlying System API. A case study will illustrate the proposed approach. In the second part of the talk, the need for techniques and tools will be argued that will allow end users to better understand the energy consumption of their mobile devices. The first goal is to create awareness, the second goal is to motivate users to change their behaviour towards a more energy efficient use of resources.

About the speaker: Gabriele Kotsis holds a Master from University Vienna, Austria, a PhD from University of Vienna, and a habilitation from the University of Vienna. Currently, Gabriele is Full Professor at Johannes-Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria, and Head of the JKU Department of Telecooperation. From 2020-2022, Gabriele Kotsis was ACM President and currently serves as ACM Past President. From 2007-2015, she was Vice Rector of Research of JKU and, from 2003-2007, she was President of the Austrian Computer Science Association (OCG). In 2002, she was visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and, in 2001, visiting professor at Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria. Throughout her academic life, Gabriele served the academic community in various roles in international networks such ASEA-UNINET, institutes and a wide range of top-level conferences and journals such as  the WWW Conference, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, to name a few.