Tallinn University of Technology

NLP seminar in Kääriku with TartuNLP and Tilde.


Time Speaker Title
10:00 Tanel Alumäe

Using Pretrained Models for Speaker Identification

10:30 Joonas Kalda

PixIT: Joint Training of Speaker Diarization and Speech Separation from Real-world Multi-speaker Recordings

11:00 Taido Purason

LLMs in low-resource settings

11:30 Liisa Rätsep

Text-to-speech in low-resource settings

12:00 Daniil Rõbnikov Enhancing the Quality of Multilingual Zero-Shot Text-to-Speech Systems

Lunch + swimming

14:00 Mark Fishel

Interlingua revisited yet again

14:30 Andra Velve and Tiia Sildam

Comparing Cascaded and End-to-End Approaches for Estonian Spoken Language Translation

15:00 Aleksei Dorkin

A survey on adapting LLMs to new languages

15:30 Kairit Sirts

Using GPT-4 for text annotation: experiences from annotating psychological phenomena

16:00 Pause
16:30 Aivo Olev Co-Designing a Speech Transcription User Interface: A Case Study
17:00 Tilde

Latest language technology developments at Tilde

18:00 Free discussion
18:30 Dinner