Tallinn University of Technology

Conference "Next Generation Government Symposium" (NGGS) brings together stakeholders from academia, government and the private sector in a symposium format to better understand next generation government issues from interdisciplinary perspectives in technology, education, government, and law at the Tallink Spa & Conference Hotel No longer can siloed approaches suffice for responding to society’s problems. Collaborative visions for the next generation of technology and architecture ensure not only the public sector’s delivery of e-services and participating citizens but securing the healthy operation of the nation-state itself. The event is co-funded by the European Social Fund.

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Selected works of the conference with the subtitle "Challenges and Opportunities in Open Digital Society" will be published as a conference call or in a special edition. The NGGS introduces various research issues and areas on the following topics:

  • Data analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • An open digital society
  • Cyber security
  • Blockchain technology
  • Digital competences and culture
  • Digital transformation of government services

In two days, you will hear exciting presentations from top Estonian public and private sector performers, take part in workshops moderated by industry experts, and expand your network. 

The conference will be held on site only and the working language will be English. Due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the restrictions imposed by the Government of the Republic on the organization of events, we will check the COVID-19 vaccination certificate or proof of passage at the entrance. We also ask you to wear a mask at the event. Please arrive on time. The number of participants is limited and up to 100 people are allowed to attend.

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8:30 Registration and morning coffee

9:00 Welcoming Words - Eric Blake Jackson, TalTech.

9:15 Keynote speaker – Luukas Ilves, Government CIO of Estonia.

9:45 Research Topics of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Panel - Collaboration of Public Sector and Academia.

  • Kristo Vaher (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications)
  • Ott Velsberg (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications)
  • Jaak Vilo (University of Tartu)
  • Gert Jervan (TalTech)
  • Peeter Normak (Tallinn University)

11:15 Coffee Break.

11:30 Keynote speaker - Robert Krimmer, University of Tartu.

12:00 Lunch Break and Networking.

13:00 Keynote Speaker – Kai Pata, Tallinn University.

13:30 Panel. Trends in higher education and future development of digital skills.

  • Kristel Toom & Ingrid Pappel (TalTech)
  • Eerik Muuli & Kristi Salum (University of Tartu)
  • Merja Bauters & James Sunney (Tallinn University)

14:15 Academic parallel presentation sessions: three different rooms

  • Research Track: Digital Engagement & Inclusion. Kuldar Taveter, University of Tartu.
  • Research Track: Digital Culture, Competencies and Open Society. Merja Bauters, Tallinn University.
  • Research Track: Blockchain Technologies. Ahto Truu, Guardtime.

15:45 Coffee Break.

16:00 Keynote Speaker. Arne Ansper, Cybernetica CTO. 

16:30 Closing Words and networking.

9:30 Registration opens.

10:00 Moderator – Eric Blake Jackson, TalTech.

10:15 Keynote Speaker – Kelli Turnmann, Estonian Anthropocene Center

10:45 Keynote Speaker –  Sylvain Rouri, Chief Sales Officer of OVH. Digital sovereignty : a strategic answer to the challenges of the use of cloud in governance systems.

11:30 Divide into parallel research workshop rooms:

  • Research Track: Digital Culture, Competencies and Open Society. Merja Bauters & Abiodun Ogunyemi, Tallinn University
  • Research Track: Digital Transformation. Ingrid Pappel, TalTech.
  • Research Track:  Cyber Security and Security Standards. Olaf Maennel, TalTech

13:00 Lunch Break

13:30 Keynote speaker – Information System Authority (RIA)

14:00 Research Tracks.

  • Research Track: Digital Transformation and Proactiveness in Public Services. Mihkel Solvak, University of Tartu.
  • Research Track: Big Data/ AI & Data Science/Machine Learning. Sadok Ben Yahia, TalTech

15:30 Keynote speaker- Kave Salamatian, Research Professor at the Maritime Cybersecurity Research Group, TalTech.

16:00 Closing words from the Moderator, public sector and academia.

16:20 End of Symposium.