Tallinn University of Technology

On May 10, 2024, the high-level international chess tournament TalTech Blitz will be held for the second time at Tallinn University of Technology as part of the II Nõmme Chess Festival. The competition takes place in the Student House (Tudengimaja) and starts at 17:00 and a total of 11 rounds are played with a time control of 3 minutes and 2 extra seconds for each move.

TalTech Blitz

TalTech rector Tiit Land will give the opening speech of the competition, and the participants will include 20 grandmasters, including Top Estonian chess players (Kaido Külaots and TalTech former student Aleksandr Volodin) and former World No. 2 chess player Alexei Shirov (Spain).

Deadline for pre-registration is May 6, more detailed information on the festival's website. We welcome all those interested to test their skills!




Additional information: main organizer Urmas Randma (urmas.randma@hotmail.com) / TalTech Energy Technology Institute senior lecturer Igor Krupenski (igor.krupenski@taltech.ee)