Tallinn University of Technology

The Nurkse Reading Seminar in May discusses sustainability experimentation and education, through the case of a Finnish student-driven sustainable campus initiative. 

Nurkse Reading Seminar

For this matter our guest speaker is Cindy Kohtala, Professor in Design for Sustainability at the Umeå Institute of Design, Sweden.
Her research interests bridge design, education and sustainability. She particularly studies (local) design practices in grassroots participatory initiatives and their relation to sustainability. 

We will discuss the following paper: Philip Hector & Cindy Kohtala (2021), “Experimenting with sustainability education: The case of a student-driven campus initiative in Finland”, Local Environment, 1-16.  

The Reading Seminar will take place on Thursday 12 May, 16.00-17.30 via MS Teams.

If you are interested in participating, please write to: amirouche.moktefi@taltech.ee to receive the link.