Tallinn University of Technology

The Nurkse Reading Seminar in March tackles the discussions around Work and Nature.

Stefania Barca
Stefania Barca

This session questions the dominant narrative which emphasizes the role of science and technology as ‘forces of production’ which drives human well-being. A counter narrative of modernity will be discussed, in which a key place is given to earthcare labour, undertaken by ‘other-than-master’ subjects who are described as ‘forces of reproduction’. 

For this matter, our guest speaker is Stefania Barca, Distinguished Researcher at the History department of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

We will discuss her recent book: Stefania Barca (2020), Forces of Reproduction: Notes for a Counter-Hegemonic Anthropocene, Cambridge University Press.

Participants are encouraged to read specifically the chapter: “A Master’s Narrative” (pp. 7-18).

Stefania Barca is an environmental historian of the industrial era, with research interests in the labour/gender/environment nexus. She is active in degrowth, ecofeminist and ecosocialist networks, and her work has been translated in various languages.

The Reading Seminar will take place on Thursday, 17 March 2022 at 16.00-17.30 via MS Teams.

If you are interested in participating, please write to: amirouche.moktefi@taltech.ee, to receive the text and the link.