Tallinn University of Technology

The next Research Seminar at the TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy will take place on 13 September 2023 from 3:00PM - 5:00PM (EEST). The seminar will be held in the Maritime Academy Kopli 101 room 322A and in Teams. 

Professor Sanja Bauk will give a talk titled "Container Tracking: DIY Approach". 


An experimental apparatus for localizing, tracking, and tracing a freight container in land and sea transportation will be presented. The instrument consists of Raspberry Pi computer, power supply – battery, plus UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) device, GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) and GPS (Global Positioning System) modems, server, desktop and mobile devices, including four types of sensors for scanning tilt, temperature, humidity, and light. Data acquisition, alarms’ settings, and dispatcher’s interface are realized in Python. Communication with the dispatcher/user is enabled via secured web-based application. The Do It Yourself (DIY) approach is used. The reason for conceiving and constructing this instrument is research curiosity, provoked by the existing gap in tracking and tracing of a single container in the stock of containers on board ship. In some cases, it is not necessary to track and trace every single container, but when it comes to dangerous, perishable, and goods of high specific values, this need exists, concerning efficiency, safety, and security issues. As a part of the environmental scan, some comparisons with the existing systems for tracking and tracing casks with nuclear cargo in road, rail, and sea transportation will be made, as well. 

Key words: freight container, tracking and tracing, sea transport, DIY approach.


Sanja Bauk is a Professor and the ERA Chair Holder of Maritime Cybersecurity (MariCybERA) at the Estonian Maritime Academy, Tallinn University of Technology. During the past five years she was an Associate Professor at Durban University of Technology in South Africa, where she was an active researcher and lectured a group of subjects in Maritime Electronic Navigation, Logistics, and Research Methodology. She started her academic career back in 1998 at Maritime Faculty Kotor in Montenegro, where she, besides carrying out research work, lectured Operations Research and several modules in Maritime Information Systems for more than twenty years. Her interests are diverse and malty-layered. Currently, her research focus is on maritime digital transformation, including cybersecurity.

For more information about the seminar, please contact: Júlia Anna Grosschmid julia.grosschmid@taltech.ee

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