Tallinn University of Technology

Research Awards of the Republic of Estonia are given annually to Estonian researchers and research groups for outstanding results in the field of research and development. The State Research Awards Committee announced the 2021 research award competition on behalf of the Government of the Republic and the deadline for submitting candidates is 16 December 2020.

The materials of the award candidates of the Technical University should be submitted to the Research Administration Office and the schedule is as follows:

• by November 2, 2020 at the latest - motivated submissions of research award candidates in Estonian and English (with digital signature of the Dean of the School) and required materials for nomination of candidates together with the decision of the school council will be sent to Ülle Vaht at ulle.vaht@taltech.ee

• 5 November 2020 - Discussion of proposals in the Committee for Research

• November 17, 2020 - University Senate approves candidates for research awards

• December 9, 2020 - all reqiured materials are ready and submitted to the Research Administration Office.

More detailed information regarding the competition of the Research Awards is in Estonian and  available here