Tallinn University of Technology

Department of Business Administration invites to a research seminar.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022 at 15:30-16:45 via Zoom

A presentation by Naghmeh Nik Bakhsh (PhD candidate at the Department of Business Administration of TalTech).

The presentation addresses the process, antecedents, and relational outcome of joint recovery management in business-to-business markets. Despite the recent studies in the services recovery management literature have helped firms to encompass failure detection, failure analysis, and response design recovery strategies in the business-to-business (B2B) context, service recovery often fails to provide appropriate recovery because of unresolved tensions that arise from the uncovered expectations and needs of customers relating to process and outcome of recovery management  One of the main barriers that retard effective recovery management is attributed to the poor understanding of customers’ problems and changing nature of customers' needs and expectations. Supplier firms can bridge this gap through knowledge sourcing and the high level of interaction with their customers to reveal the customers' explicit and implicit needs and expectations. The value of co-creation joint recovery activities has well-recognized benefits for understanding the customer expectations and hidden needs and recovery management is vital to secure post-failure relationship quality. In this research seminar, we will discuss the concept of joint recovery management, the antecedents, and the outcome of it from the supplier's and customer's perspective and point out the managerial implication of this research.

Publication: Nik Bakhsh, N. & Riivits-Arkonsuo, I. (2022). Joint B2B Recovery Management: Resource Integration and Value Co-creation. Journal of Value Creation. [forthcoming]

Naghmeh Nik Bakhsh, PhD candidate at the School of Business and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology. She is supervised by Assoc. Prof. Iivi Riivits-Arkonsuo and the topic of her project is “Joint recovery management in Business-to-Business settings: Antecedents, process, and relational outcome”. She received a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from Iran university of science and technology and a master's degree in business administration from the University of Mazandaran. Her papers have been published in the Journal of Service Science Research and Eurasian Journal of Business and Management. She has been working in the customer success, marketing, and technical support engineering team in Geniussports and Pipedrive companies where she has had the opportunity to communicate with customers closely for 4 years. Her research focus is mainly on customer behavior and recovery management.

The seminar is in English. Further information: pia.riips@taltech.ee.