The next Maritime Cyber Security Centre seminar will take place on 15 May at 15:00-17:00 at TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy.
The seminar will be held at Estonian Maritime Academy, Kopli 101, room 208 and MS Teams (see the link below).
Introductory remarks by the speaker
The passenger ferry Estonia sank on September 28, 1994, during a voyage from Tallinn, Estonia, to Stockholm, Sweden. Of the 989 people on board, only 137 survived. The final report of the Joint Accident Investigation Commission of Estonia, Finland and Sweden (JAIC) was published in December 1997.
On September 28, 2020, a video recording was published, showing a penetrating damage on the starboard side of the hull of MV Estonia. Based on this new evidence, Estonian Safety Investigation Bureau initiated a preliminary assessment of the new information of MV Estonia accident on October 2, 2020, along with its counterparts in Finland and Sweden.
The objective of the preliminary assessment is to identify the cause of penetrating deformations, to assess the validity of the conclusions presented in the final report of the JAIC and to assess whether the safety investigation of the accident should be re-opened.
In thirty years, the tools and methods used to investigate marine casualties have advanced significantly. In the presentation, using the example of the preliminary assessment of the MV Estonia, an overview is given of how the seabed, wrecks and the water column above them could be investigated with modern tools and how the digital models and modeling could be used to conduct analyses.
Short resume
Tauri Roosipuu's maritime career began in his tenth grade when he completed the ordinary seaman course at the Estonian Maritime Academy’s Pärnu Maritime Centre, followed by service as a watch rating on Estonian small island vessels and a year in the Estonian Navy's Mine Warfare Squadron, achieving the rank of leading seaman.
Tauri Roosipuu's professional development included an apprenticeship at the Estonian Maritime Academy, starting as a watch rating on a ro-ro vessel, moving on to cadet on general cargo vessels and finally working as a watch officer on general cargo vessels and passenger ferries.
In 2019-2021, Tauri Roosipuu studied at the Estonian Maritime Academy of Tallinn University of Technology for a Master's degree in Maritime Studies and graduated cum laude. Demonstrating versatility and leadership, he moved to the position of Quality Manager at the Estonian Maritime Academy, where he worked from 2020-2022.
Currently, Tauri Roosipuu contributes his expertise at the Estonian Safety Investigation Bureau, where he is a key member of the project team tasked with assessing the new information of the ESTONIA ferry accident from 2021.
For more information about the seminar, please contact Kristi Treffner
Meeting ID: 376 967 857 462, Passcode: TboEwU