Tallinn University of Technology

The Second International Health Data Workshop - HEDA-2-2021 is organised in conjunction with The 13th International ACM Conference on Management of Digital EcoSystems - MEDES'21 on November 1-3, 2021 in Hammamet, Tunisia.
Workshop Chairs are Peeter Ross from Department of Health Technologies and Gunnar Piho from Software Science Department of Tallinn University of Technology.

Health data covers a brought range of data influencing people's health monitoring, analysing, and predicting. In general, it includes all such data such as environmental data, individual data gathered, for example, via fitness trackers and especially clinical data.

HEDA 2021 invites paper submission, including position and work-in-progress papers, about unpublished research covering all aspects of health data modelling, interoperability and analytics.

Detailed up-to-date information on the workshop website: https://cs.ttu.ee/events/heda-2-2021/