Tallinn University of Technology

Estonian Research Council and EAS are hosting the third sectorial mobility measure (SekMo) cooperation event, this time focusing on artificial intelligence, robotics and ICT.

Scientists and entrepeneurs will have a chance to meet face to face and see, if they have mutual interests. In the event, everyone will have 1:1 discussions to introduce their problems and field of study to see, if there is a chance for cooperation in the future.

The event will take place on the 31st of May in The Estonia theatre restaurant in Tallinn, 10:30-15:00

Register your interest here! 

The objective of the measure is facilitation of cooperation between sectors, in particular expanding the career model, as well as cooperation and training opportunities for academic personnel through temporary work in Estonian private and public sector entities. Support is provided for employment of researchers with a doctoral or master’s degree (25-70% of the costs) at Estonian private and public sector entities to plan and implement applied research and product development projects (experimental developments).