Tallinn University of Technology

In late August, the Health Board of Estonia and the Health and Welfare Information Systems Centre launched the HOIA app. The goal of the app is to enable quick notification of close encounters with persons infected by COVID-19, and thus allow taking measures to protect one's own health as well as the others'.

It is clear that a joint effort of everyone in the university is needed to limit the spread of COVID-19. In addition to keeping safe distance, washing hands and wearing face masks, one can also help by activating the HOIA app on one's phone. We can create a digital analogue of distancing or wearing masks by downloading the app to as many phones as possible.

To help the users make informed decisions to deploy the app, the School of IT of TalTech will organize a mixed-mode seminar on Friday, 11th of September, from 14:00 to 15:30Ahto Truu from Guardtime and Dan Bogdanov from Cybernetica, both members of the team that created HOIA, will explain how the app is built, how it works, and how the privacy and security of its users is protected. Seminar's moderator is Jaan Priisalu, analyst of the TalTech Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security. The seminar will be conducted in English.

  • Virtual participation is possible via Zoom meeting ID: 892 5295 7041, passcode: 717557. Questions to presenters can be posted via Slido (event code #8600).
  • Seminar will be visible also on Youtube.
  • Slides of Ahto Truu are here and slides of Dan Bogdanov are here
  • Up to 100 persons can participate in the event physically in IT College (Raja 4c, room ICO-314) by registering here
  • Detailed documentation (in Estonian) about Hoia.me app and the source code is available at the following link: https://koodivaramu.eesti.ee/tehik/hoia
  • Please read COVID-19 information and instructions: https://www.taltech.ee/en/covid19information
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