Tallinn University of Technology

The FinEst Twins Smart City Center of Excellence will invest up to 15 million euros to implement 10 large scale pilots to face the urban challenges in the fields of mobility, energy, built environment, data and governance. This idea competition is based on the challenges mapped with local governments in Estonia. Each idea has to address at least one of the challenges via research and innovation activities and direct involvement of cities.  The Smart City Challenge is open and we expect your ideas by November 6.


11:00-11:15 FinEst Twins Smart City Challenge by Mrs Külle Tärnov, Head of Innovation 
11:15-11:45 Vienna Smart City by Mag. Nikolaus Summer, Urban Innovation Vienna, Smart City Agency, Senior Expert 
11:45-12:15 Jelgava Smart City by Gints Reinsons, Head of Operational Information Centre of Jelgava city 
12:15-12:20 Closing words by Külle Tärnov

Smart City Wien defines Smart City as a city that assigns priority to, and interlinks, the issues of energy, mobility, buildings and infrastructure. In developing these fields, an emphasis is given to radical resource preservation, development and productive use of innovations/new technologies and high and socially balanced quality of living.  Smart City should be therefore able to safeguard the city’s ability to withstand future challenges in a comprehensive fashion. The elementary trait of Smart City Wien lies in the holistic approach pursued, which comprises novel mechanisms of action and co-ordination in politics and administration as well as a wider leeway of action assigned to citizens.

Gints Reinsons in 2010 co-founded first and only Operative Information Centre operated by City Municipality in the whole Baltic and Scandinavian region. What others call a job, he calls amazing journey, which with combination of agile and hardworking team, proactive Jelgava City management encouragement has paid off with great recognition and results. Now Jelgava is recognized as Smart City worldwide (especially in Europe).
Jelgava Municipal Operational Information Centre (JPOIC) uses comprehensive communication, information exchange and analysis mechanisms that provide direct communication between residents of Jelgava city, infrastructure maintenance, operational services, state and local government institutions, commercial companies and the Civil Protection Commission

Register HERE and we will send you the Teams webinar link.

The webinar is hosted by FinEst Twins initiative.

Smart City Challange