The seminar will host talks on various topics of speech technology. The language of the seminar is mixed English/Estonian. The seminar will be held as a hybrid physical/virtual event.
- 10.00 Introduction
- 10.05-10.40 Tomi Kinnunen (University of Eastern Finland) - Speaker verification, spoofed, and deep fake speech detection
- 10.40-11.15 Mikko Kurimo (Aalto University) - ASR for children with speech sound disorder, speech assessment of L2 speech, and paralinguistic tasks [slides 1] [slides 2]
- 11.15–11.45 Tanel Alumäe (Tallinn University of Technology): Vocapia-TalTech Spoken Language Identification System for NIST LRE22
- 11.45–12.15 Aivo Olev (Tallinn University of Technology): Transkribeerimisteenus
- 12.15–13.30 Lunch break
- 13.30–14.00 Liisa Rätsep (University of Tartu): TÜ kõnesüntees
- 14.00–14.30 Agnes Luhtaru (University of Tartu): Kõnetuvastus lastekõnele
- 14.30–15.00 Anton Malmi (University of Tartu): SayEst äpp
- 15.00–15.30 Coffee break
- 15.30–16.00 Meelis Mihkla (Institute of the Estonian Language): Kõneveeb ja Minu Hääl: uus kõnesünteesikeskkond ja -teenus
- 16.00–16.30 Silver Vapper (Institute of the Estonian Language): Kõnetuvastuse kvaliteedi hindamine (TTÜ vs Microsoft vs Google vs Tilde)
- 16.30–17.00 Kristiina Vilbaste (RIA): Anneta kõnet
- 17.00 End