Tallinn University of Technology

We are proud to announce that TalTech DeepEST Spin-off program is here to support science based ideas! 

You are invited to the TalTech DeepEST Spin-off program introductory event on October 14 from 17:30 pm to 20:30 pm, during which we will give you an exclusive overview of the TalTech DeepEST Spin-off program, starting from 20th of October.

In addition, you’ll meet with inspirational founders and listen to their stories “From science to business.” Also, we will invite you to join us for networking after the official introductory part.

Details about the agenda:
Place: Mektory Innovation Center, Raja 15
Room: Innovation HUB, 0-floor

17:30 - 17:40 – Opening words form Sven Illing, Vice-Rector for Entrepreneurship
17:40 - 18:00 – Introduction of the program 
18:00 - 19:30 – Inspirational speakers: Rainer Sternfeld (Managing partner, NordicNinja VC), Olesja Bondarenko (Nanordica Medical CEO), Marko Lehes (Selfdiagnostics CEO/Co-founder/Investor; Biometricdental Co-founder/Investor/Member of board; Glasspearl Co-founder/CEO)
19:30 - 20:30 – Networking
You are kindly requested to register no later than 11.10. You can find the form here
Information lesson is in English.

More details about the program here

More information:
Kaisa Hansen
Uusettevõtluse juht
TalTech Ettevõtlusosakond