Tallinn University of Technology

The next Research Seminar at TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy in the Maritime Cyber Security Center seminar series will take place on April 17 at 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The seminar will take place at the Estonian Maritime Academy in Kopli 101, room 208 and in Teams.

RS Anatoli

The presentation will give an overview of the developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in the maritime sector addressing potential problems and challenges what the usage of AI causes. And how will AI impact cybersecurity at the sea?

The digitization of all areas of activity, including maritime, today is characterized, among other things, by two powerful influencing factors: on the one hand, artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly taking over the most important functions and develops very quickly, on the other hand, threats and risks related to cyber security. The opinion of most specialists and researchers in the field is that the first factor is positive, because it contributes to developments, and the second is negative, because it hinders developments and can even inhibit them; from here it is easy to conclude that in order to continue and accelerate progress, the positive aspects of the first factor must be contributed in every way and the fight against the effects of the second factor must be undertaken. But how realistic and consistently achievable are these two goals in interaction? True, in the light of the developments of the last years and even months, it seems that the AI "train" has started its impressive journey at high speed, and nothing can stop it. At the same time, continuing the allegory, there is still a "wagon" of cyber threats attached to this "train", and getting rid of it or even defeating it to a sufficient extent seems problematic, at least now .

For more information, please contact Laivi Rello: laivi.rello@taltech.ee


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