Tallinn University of Technology

In the summer, the joint project "Traversing European Coastlines (TREC)" of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the Tara Ocean Foundation will take place in Tallinn. Project activities increase people's awareness of the importance of marine and coastal ecosystems and how they support our society. It explores the connections between land and sea processes and what we can do to reduce the impact of pollution and climate change on coastal ecosystems. The aim is to introduce the social and environmental challenges related to the state of coasts, seas and oceans to the general public. Activities directed to the public allow to experience the use of a scientific approach to find solutions to challenges and provide an overview of why knowledge gained through scientific methods is needed.

The event and the workshops and seminars included in it are free for participants!


An interactive and open discussion evening, during which the research carried out within the project and science in general will be discussed. Exciting quizzes and games are solved. The research topics of researchers and students related to TREC, EMBL, TalTech and the University of Tartu are presented, as well as various fields related to ecology, the state of marine and coastal environments.

The event will be held in English, translation into Estonian if necessary.

The conversation evening will take place in Noblessner in the lobby of Põhjala Brewery (Peetri 5, Tallinn) on June 29, starting at 18:00.

A 3D photo wall and an information point with interactive tools located in various places in the center of Tallinn to introduce activities related to the project. You can get acquainted with, for example, microscopy and microscopic creatures, you can take 3D photos and videos with marine organisms and thematic souvenirs are shared.

The activities take place in Estonian.

TREC researchers can be found in Seaplane Harbour (Vesilennuki 6, Tallinn)

30.06. 14:00 -18:00
01.07. 14:00 -16:00
02.07. 12:00 -17:00
03.07. 14:00 -16:00
04.07. 12:00 -17:00
05.07. 12:00 -17:00

A hands-on, game-based workshop focused on planetary health. Anyone interested can participate in expedition, which aims to discover, collect and study the microorganisms living on the coast of the island. Microorganisms and environmental sampling, the impact of human activity on the coast, and ways to improve the state of the environment and the health of the planet are introduced.

The workshops will take place at Euroopa Liidu Maja, Rävala 4, Tallinn from July 1st to 4th (the expected duration of the workshop is 45 minutes, see the pre-registration information for more detailed times and venues). When entering the house, there will be a security check like at the airport, so please allow some extra time when arriving.

The game and explanations are in Estonian.

01.07. 13:00-15:00
03.07. 10:30-19:00
04.07. 12:00-13:00

*NB! – Pre-registration required

Register HERE

During a visit to the sailboat, you can explore life at sea and get to know the crew members and scientists. They will introduce what kind of tools are used and how science is done at sea and what will be done with the obtained results. Stories are told about the expeditions and most exciting adventures of the research ship "Tara".

Excursions are conducted in English, Estonian translation is provided if necessary

The science sail can be visited at Seaplane Harbour (Vesilennuki 6, Tallinn)

02.07. 10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
05.07. 10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
06.07. 10:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
07.07. 10:00-12:00

Register HERE

A workshop where you can discover a world that is invisible to the plain eye, but essential for life on Earth. Samples of seawater are examined under a microscope to see what the local marine microbiome looks like. We discuss why the marine microbiome is important and why the sea and the organisms that live there must be protected. Additional information about Tara Ocean Foundation and TREC Expedition related activities will also be shared.

The activities of the workshop are supported in Estonian by local assistants.

The workshops will take place at Seaplane Harbour (Vesilennuki 6, Tallinn)

01.07. 14:00 - 18:00
02.07. 10:00 - 18:00
03.07. 14:00 - 18:00
04.07. 14:00 - 18:00
05.07. 14:00 - 18:00
06.07. 14:00 - 18:00
07.07. 14:00 - 18:00


A workshop to explore plastic pollution and related chemical pollutants and search for solutions related to pollution reduction. The methods used to study plastic pollution at sea and discover its origin are introduced. It is explained how plastic affects marine ecosystems and how everyone can contribute to reducing plastic pollution.

The activities of the workshop are supported in Estonian by local assistants.

The workshops will take place at Seaplane Harbour (Vesilennuki 6, Tallinn)

01.07. 14:00 - 18:00
02.07. 10:00 - 18:00
03.07. 14:00 - 18:00
04.07. 14:00 - 18:00
05.07. 14:00 - 18:00
06.07. 14:00 - 18:00
07.07. 14:00 - 18:00

