Tallinn University of Technology

The workshop to celebrate World Logic Day (14 January) will be held on 15 January 2024 at the Estonian Academy of Sciences (Kohtu 6, Tallinn). The workshop, organised by the Tallinn University of Technology's Departments of Software Science and the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, is hybrid, i.e. you can also participate via Zoom.

This in-person event is meant as a friendly get-together for people in or outside of Estonia who are interested in philosophical or mathematical/computer science logic - an opportunity to learn about current logic research in Estonia on both sides of the field and to celebrate the World Logic Day.

Presentations will be given by Professor Jan von Plato of the University of Helsinki, Professor Valentin Goranko of Stockholm University, Margus Veanes, Principal Research Fellow at Microsoft Research and foreign member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, and several researchers from Estonia.

Jan von Plato has deciphered hundreds of pages of Kurt Gödel's epistolary notes as part of the European Research Council's Gödeliana grant. These reveal that Gödel made many discoveries that he did not disclose to anyone.

The workshop will be organised by Amirouche Moktefi, Tarmo Uustalu and Niccolò Veltri from Tallinn University of Technology.

Participation is free. For more information and to register, visit the workshop website: https://cs.ioc.ee/lsg/wld24/. To participate on-site, you can register until 8 January. A link to Zoom will be sent to those who have registered.

Being human, both as an individual and as a member of society, is characterised by awareness, knowledge and common sense. Logic, as a theory of correct discussion, has played and continues to play a very important role in the development of philosophy and the sciences. The current turbulent period illustrates sharply the bad consequences of blurring the ideas of truth and inference. The celebration of 14 January as Logic Day began in 2019 and has been under the auspices of UNESCO since 2020. Kurt Gödel's death anniversary and Alfred Tarski's birth anniversary were chosen, as a tribute to two of the most important logicians of the 20th century (see http://wld.cipsh.international/).

In Estonia, we will celebrate World Logic Day for the fourth time in 2024.