Tallinn University of Technology

Anna Volkova, a senior researcher at the Department of Energy Technology in Tallinn University of Technology, will give a lecture on the topic "Sustainable technical solutions for district heating" on March 28 at 1 p.m. With the lecture, Volkova is applying for the position of Professor of Thermal Power Engineering. The lecture can be followed via Teams.

Anna Volkova
Anna Volkova. Photo: private collection

The purpose of the position: Research and development at a high international level in the field of thermal energy and related fields (heat supply, district heating, energy technology, heat storage and conversion equipment), including participation in international cooperation as a project and lead partner, regular publication in scientific publications, successful supervision of doctoral students, etc. The professor is responsible for the effective conduct of teaching in his/her field at all levels and initiates, coordinates and participates in research projects. Leading and coordinating the research group "Smart District Heating Systems and Integrated Assessment Analysis of Greenhouse Gases Emissions" in carrying out various research and implementation projects and ensuring cooperation with business and professional associations.

Anna Volkova is a Senior Researcher at TalTech since 2018. She is also the head of Research Group of Smart District Heating Systems and Integrated Assessment Analysis of Greenhouse Gases Emissions. She has a PhD in Energetics since 2008, Riga Technical University. In 2009-2012 she was in postdoc in Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Thermal Engineering. Her research topics have been related to 4th generation district heating, large heat pumps, cogeneration, heat storage.

The lecture can be  followed via MS Teams. The lecture will be held in Estonian.