Tallinn University of Technology

Janek Laanearu, an Associate Professor at the School of Engineering of Tallinn University of Technology, will give a venia legendi lecture on the paradigms of fluid dynamics of the built environment on December 6 at 14.00. With the lecture, Laanearu is a candidate for the position of Professor of Fluid Dynamics and Hydraulic Systems.

The purpose of the position is to develop research and teaching in the field of water and environmental engineering. Also to improve the performance of hydraulic flow systems for stratified flow in terms of the dynamics of fluids in the built environment by introducing modern modelling tools and making them available at all levels of higher education.

The aim of the research is to study, develop, model and measure the dynamics of fluid co-flow in hydraulic flow systems in the built environment. Furthermore, solving engineering problems related to the effect and spread of water and air pollution related to stratified flow and mixing.

The aim of the study is to conduct engineering and master’s studies in the field of fluid dynamics and hydraulic systems, to supervise doctoral studies and to conduct refresher training for civil engineers.

The aim of the development activities is to develop tools for modelling the fluid dynamics in built environments as well as the gauges and systems required to conduct experimental work, and to participate in the civil engineering working groups of Estonian construction industry associations and relevant international organisations.

Janek Laanearu is an Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Tallinn University of Technology. He has considerable experience in the field of civil engineering related to fluid dynamics and hydraulic systems. His education is related to universities in Tallinn and Tartu, as well as in Stockholm (Sweden) and Dundee (UK). He has been actively involved in international research projects in Delft (Netherlands), Trondheim (Norway), Toulouse and Grenoble (France) and Tianjin (China). The candidate’s professional strengths are mainly related to the computational fluid dynamics modelling of the built environment and the stratified flow modelling of hydraulic systems. The achievements of his research are well reflected in internationally recognised scientific journals and conference publications. He is the author of the Tallinn University of Technology Estonian-language textbook “Rakenduslik hüdromehaanika” on applied fluid mechanics. A new book of the Technical University “Numbrilised arvutusskeemid voolamise hüdraulikas” on numerical calculation schemes in flow hydraulics is being prepared.

The lecture will be available on Zoom.