Table of Contents
ICR2022: 7th Interdisciplinary Cyber Research conference
ICR2022 (the 7th Interdisciplinary Cyber Research conference) is organised with the support of TalTech Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security. The event is held at the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia on the 13h of June 2022. The aim of the conference is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law.
13th of June 2022 in Tallinn, Estonia
Fully online on Zoom
This will result in an exciting day filled with fascinating keynotes, thought provoking presentations of new research, and networking opportunities with experts and researchers in the field of cyber security, information and communication technology, political and social sciences, and law.
It is possible to watch the recording of the conference.
Keynote speakers
Dr Andrew J. Grotto
William J. Perry International Security Fellow at the Cyber Policy Center and a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Andrew J. Grotto is a William J. Perry International Security Fellow at the Cyber Policy Center and a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, both at Stanford University. Grotto’s research interests center on the national security and international economic dimensions of America’s global leadership in information technology innovation, and its growing reliance on this innovation for its economic and social life. Before coming to Stanford, Grotto was the Senior Director for Cybersecurity Policy at the White House in both the Obama and Trump Administrations.
At the White House, he played a key role in shaping President Obama’s Cybersecurity National Action Plan and driving its implementation. He was also the principal architect of President Trump’s cybersecurity executive order, “Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure.”
Read more on his background at
"Achieving Allied Resiliency on Semiconductors"
In his presentation, Andrew will discuss the complex strategic and geopolitical challenges related to the semiconductor industry. The United States and key allies (“the Silicon Allies”) are actively seeking greater resilience against a wide range of risks, with a principal focus so far on cultivating and supporting domestic industries as a hedge against geopolitical and other risks that emerge from having key nodes in the supply chain serviced by overseas suppliers. Andrew introduces a recently published study on the current status of the semiconductor industry and proposes recommendations to reduce asymmetric interdependencies.
Link to the report:
Prof Kavé Salamatian
ERAChair holder, Maritime Cybersecurity Professor at TalTech
Kavé Salamatian is the ERAChair in Maritime Cybersecurity at TalTech. His main areas of researches has been Internet measurement and modeling, network security, and networking information theory. He was previously reader at Lancaster University, UK and associate professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie. Kavé has graduated in 1998 from Paris SUD-Orsay university where he worked on joint source channel coding applied to multimedia transmission over Internet for his Phd. In a former life, he graduated with a MBA, and worked on market floor as a risk analyst and enjoyed being an urban traffic modeler for some years. He is currently distinguished visiting professor at the Chines Academy of Science and working closely with the Castex CyberStrategy Chair at the French National Defense Institute. He has been the recipient of a Chinese academy of Science Presidential Award in 2018.

"An upward multidisciplinary journey in cyber studies"
I have been involved for almost 20 years in multidisicplinary studies in the overall area of Internet sciences. This talk will lean on my personal journey as a computer scientist that has moved from very technical dimensions of computer sciences to geopolitics. I will reflect on the difficulty of doing multidisciplinary research specially at early stage of career. I will illustrate my talk with concrete example that shows clearly the importance of multidisciplinary research and will describe its pitfalls and also beauty and interest.
Abstract guidelines
In order to attend the ICR sessions as a speaker, please submit a 1000-word abstract in Easychair.
Please keep in mind the following guidelines:
1. Abstracts should:
- demonstrate the relevance of the research,
- outline principle research questions,
- explain expected or achieved results, and
- define your research methods.
2. The abstracts may be about an ongoing or upcoming research project, or based on already finalised research. We are happy to accept abstracts from interdisciplinary backgrounds such as technology, law, social science, education, psychology, etc.
3. In addition to established researchers and scholars, we welcome student submissions based on Master or PhD thesis research (and bachelor level students are very welcome to join in as audience).
4. For the purposes of smooth editing and designing the final proceedings, please submit the abstract in .doc or .docx format.
5. For the purposes of double-blind peer review, please anonymise the abstract, i.e. remove any information about the author(s) from the abstract.
6. The deadline for abstract submission is the 18th of April 2022.
7. All authors will get feedback from our distinguished peer reviewers (double blind peer review) and selected authors are invited to present their ideas at the conference.
8. All selected abstracts will be published as conference proceedings by Tallinn University of Technology (with an ISBN number). Selected authors are also invited to submit their research as an academic article for established academic journals, subject to additional review process.
Programme committee
- Prof Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Bernhards Blumbergs, CERT LV
- Dr Thomas C. Schmidt, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
- Prof Tobias Eggendorfer, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences
- Dr Kenneth Geers, Atlantic Council
- Dr Agnes Kasper, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Kaie Maennel, Tallinn University of Technology
- Prof Olaf Maennel, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Sten Mäses, Tallinn University of Technology
- Prof Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu
- Dr Hung Nguyen, University of Adelaide
- Dr Anna-Maria Osula, Tallinn University of Technology/Guardtime
- Dr Arnis Paršovs, University of Tartu
- Dr Debbie Perouli, Marquatte University
- Dr Iain Phillips, Loughborough University
- Dr Matthew Sorell, University of Adelaide
- Mr Teemu Väisänen, Finnish Transport Safety Agency
About Estonia
Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. The population is 440 000 people. Tallinn is situated on the northern coast of Estonia, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Nearest capitals and major cities are Helsinki, Stockholm and Saint Petersburg. Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn is listed in UNESCO World Heritage List.
For more information about Tallinn from Visit Tallinn city guide.

Republic of Estonia is a country in Northern Europe. The territory of Estonia is 45 227 km2. Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties, with its capital and largest city being Tallinn. Population is 1.3 million people. Estonia is the member of the European Union, Eurozone and the Schengen Area.
For more information about what to do and see, please visit Visit Estonia website.

Past events
2020 has been an interesting year for organising a conference. Nevertheless, the 6th Interdisciplinary Cyber Research (#ICR2020) conference will persist and take place in a semi-online format.
7th of December 2020 in Tallinn, Estonia
Authors can either present their research in a live stream conference (if present in Tallinn and allowed by public health guidelines) or via a pre-recorded video + live Q&A. The event will be live-streamed to the audience online.
This will result in an exciting day filled with fascinating keynotes, thought provoking presentations of new research, workshops and networking opportunities with experts and researchers in the field of cyber security, information and communication technology, political and social sciences, and law.
The aim of the event is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law.
The event is organised with the support of TalTech CyberCentre.
It is possible to watch the recording of the conference.
Interview with Dr Joe Burton in Novaator (in Estonian).
Keynote speakers
- Dr Joe Burton, University of Waikato, Marie Curie Fellow at Université libre de Bruxelles - “Security Cultures and Cyber Warfare”
Cyber security culture normally refers to the culture of organisations and how aware and responsive they are to cyber security risks and threats. Drawing on the strategic culture literature, this presentation identifies and critically examines a number of wider and larger security cultures that have had an outsized and underappreciated influence on cyber defence as well as the development and use of offensive cyber capabilities. In particular, the presentation examines the interrelationship between hacker culture, military culture, and corporate cyber security culture and how ideas, behaviours and security practices in these transnational communities have contributed to a dangerous and unstable international cyber security environment.
Dr Joe Burton is a Senior Lecturer in International Security at the New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand. He holds a Doctorate in International Relations and a Master of International Studies degree from the University of Otago and an undergraduate degree in International Relations from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Joe is the recipient of the US Department of State SUSI Fellowship, the Taiwan Fellowship, and has been visiting researcher at the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). He is the author of NATO's Durability in a Post-Cold War World (SUNY Press 2018) editor of the new Routledge volume, Emerging Technologies and International Security: Machines, the State and War (Routledge 2020) and his work has been published in Asian Security, Defence Studies, Political Science and with a variety of other leading academic publishers. Joe is currently a Marie Curie fellow (MSCA-IF) at Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) completing the two-year European Commission-funded project Strategic Cultures of Cyber Warfare (CYBERCULT). He also coordinates the CYDIPLO Jean Monnet Network, which examines the emerging practice of cyber diplomacy.
- Dr Aarthi Krishna, freelance cyber security expert - "Diving into the CISO’s mind"
The CISO in today’s large organization is more than just a security manager. This multifaceted role has evolved over the years from being only technically focused to highly business-focused. CISOs today have found their way to the boardroom and are increasing reporting directly to the CEO. This talk will give an overview of what some of the major focus areas are for the CISOs today. It will highlight how driving strategic initiatives within an organization is a constant balancing act with operational management.
Dr Aarthi Krishna is an experienced information security specialist who has been working in security for over two decades in different areas including research, consulting and business development. In her most recent role, she was the head of the Security Advisory Services practice for Europe at BT Global, UK where she was responsible for working closely with the security leadership teams of large global clients ensuring the successful delivery of security engagements while growing the business by building a portfolio that meets the needs of the local markets. Aarthi holds a PhD in IT Security from Macquarie University, Australia, a master’s degree with focus on IT Security from the Technical University of Hamburg, Germany and a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Madras, India. She currently lives in Tallinn, Estonia with her husband and their high-energy daughter.
- Prof Samuel Pagliarini, Department of Computer Systems, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) - "Trust your hardware (but not really!)"
In this talk, prof Pagliarini will address some of the most well known vulnerabilities studied in the domain of Hardware Security. Threats such as piracy of integrated circuits, side-channel attacks, and hardware trojan horses will be introduced, as well as the means to guarantee trustworthiness in the circuits (and systems) that are targeted by these threats. Finally, a discussion between the similarities (and differences) between cyber security and hardware security will be presented.
Dr Pagliarini is a professor in the Department of Computer Systems at TalTech (Tallinn, Estonia) where he also leads the the Centre for Hardware Security. He received an MSc degree from UFRGS (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and a PhD degree from Telecom ParisTech (Paris, France). He has also held research appointments at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) and at the University of Bristol (Bristol, UK). His work has been funded by several grants from the NSF, AFRL, DARPA, IARPA, the European Commission, and ETAg. His current research interests are mainly focused on integrated circuit design and related security aspects.
Programme committee
- Prof Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Bernhards Blumbergs, CERT LV
- Prof Tobias Eggendorfer, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences
- Dr Kenneth Geers, Atlantic Council
- Dr Lachlan Gunn, Aalto University
- Prof Thomas Hollstein, Tallinn University of Technology
- Ms Kadri Kaska, NATO CCDCOE
- Dr Agnes Kasper, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Andra Lutu, Telefonica Research
- Prof Olaf Maennel, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Richard Matthews, University of Adelaide
- Prof Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu
- Dr Hung Nguyen, University of Adelaide
- Mr Andres Osula, Turnit
- Dr Anna-Maria Osula, Tallinn University of Technology/Guardtime
- Mr Arnis Paršovs, University of Tartu
- Mr Henry Rõigas, Guardtime
- Dr Matthew Sorell, University of Adelaide
- Dr Martin Strohmeier, University of Oxford
- Prof Stefan Sütterlin, Østfold University College/Oslo University Hospital/TalTech
The main prize is awarded by Swedbank and is a free access to the Cyber e-learning environment Cybrary for one year.
The selection of the best abstract/presentation will take into account the academic reviews of the abstracts carried out by the Programme Committee as well as the evaluation of the esteemed jury who will be assessing the presentations on the 7th of December.
The winner of the best abstract/presentation was selected by the jury that involved Yakup Güneyli, Manager of Cyber Defense Center at Swedbank and the Programme Committee of ICR2020.
Chairs Dr Anna-Maria Osula (Guardtime/TalTech) & Prof Olaf Maennel (TalTech)
Organising team Martha Jung (TalTech), Kristi Ainen (TalTech)
ICR is very thankful to all partners and sponsors we've had the pleasure to work with!

ICR2019 (the 5th Interdisciplinary Cyber Research conference) is organised with the support of TalTech Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security. The event is held at the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia on the 29th of June 2019. The aim of the conference is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law.
29th of June, 2019 — Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinna Tehnikaüliko
Last years’ events have been a great success with conference boasting each year around 25 speakers from 10 countries, together with 150+ participants.
This year’s conference follows the familiar interdisciplinary format. Our aim is to promote sharing and discussing novel research across different domains, thereby allowing for the creation of new synergies as well as being informed and inspired by “cyber”-research carried out by other disciplines than your own. Foremost, the conference offers a friendly and forward-thinking environment for getting feedback on your ideas from an international pool of researchers. The conference will be running in parallel sessions dedicated to more specific research areas, each session being chaired by established scholars and professionals.
You can participate as a speaker (submitting an abstract+delivering a presentation) or simply join our wonderful audience. Speakers are requested to submit a 1000-word abstract. Abstracts should explain the relevance of the research, outline principle research questions, and expected or achieved results together with your research methods. In addition to young researchers and scholars, we welcome student submissions based on Master or PhD thesis research (and bachelor level students are very welcome to join in as audience). All authors will get feedback from our distinguished peer reviewers and selected authors are invited to present their ideas at the workshop. All selected abstracts will be published as workshop proceedings by Tallinn University of Technology (with an ISBN number). Selected authors are also invited to submit their research as an academic article for established academic journals, subject to additional review process.
It is possible to watch the recording s of the conference.
Article in (in Estonian).
Keynote speakers
- Dr Adrian Venables, senior researcher at TalTech Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security - “The Rise and Fall of Social Media – Countering the Influence and Power of Mass Online Communication”
- Dr Joanna Kulesza, assistant professor of international law at the University of Lodz, Poland - “Human rights in the time of cyber surveillance
Programme committee
- Dr Asma Adnane, Loughborough University
- Prof Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Bernhards Blumbergs, CERT LV
- Prof Ahto Buldas, Tallinn University of Technology
- Prof Tobias Eggendorfer, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences
- Dr Denis Firsov, Guardtime
- Dr Kenneth Geers, Atlantic Council
- Dr Lachlan Gunn, Aalto University
- Ms Kadri Kaska, NATO CCD COE
- Dr Agnes Kasper, Tallinn University of Technology
- Prof Olaf Maennel, Tallinn University of Technology
- Ms Merle Maigre, Cybexer
- Mr Stephen Mason, UK barrister
- Prof Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu
- Mr Tomáš Minárik, NATO CCD COE
- Mr Pavel Laptev, TalTech/Telia
- Dr Andra Lutu, Telefonica Research
- Dr Hung Nguyen, University of Adelaide
- Dr Anna-Maria Osula, Tallinn University of Technology/Guardtime
- Mr Arnis Paršovs, University of Tartu
- Dr Despoina Perouli, Marquette University
- Dr Iain Phillips, Loughborough University
- Ms Jenny Radcliffe, University of Liverpool
- Mr Henry Rõigas, Guardtime
- Dr Thomas C. Schmidt, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
- Dr Matthew Simon, Magnet Forensics
- Dr Matthew Sorell, University of Adelaide
- Dr Andreas Ventsel, University of Tartu
- Mr Teemu Väesänen, Finnish Transport Safety Agency
Prizes & Jury
ICR2019 is happy to give out prizes to the three best presentations. The prizes are provided by our sponsors. The main prize is a free admission to one of the world’s largest cyber defence conference “CyCon 2020: 20/20 Vision: The Next Decade” organised by NATO CCDCOE in Tallinn on 26-29 May 2020.
The selection of the best presentation takes into account the academic reviews of the abstracts carried out by the Programme Committee as well as the evaluation of the esteemed jury who will be assessing the presentations on the 29th of June at TalTech.
ICR2019 jury members have not participated in the writing of any of the abstracts even on the supervisory level. Jury represents different disciplines such as tech, law, social sciences, etc. Members of the jury are:
- Dr Anna-Maria Osula (TalTech/Guardtime)
- Prof Stefan Sütterlin (Østfold University College)
- Prof Sadok Ben Yahia (TalTech)
- Markko Künnapu (Ministry of Justice)
- Dr Adrian Venables (TalTech)
- Madhulika Tripathi (University of Adelaide)
The criteria for grading the presentations takes into account the clarity of the presentation, the manner in which it is conducted and the engagement with the audience.
Chairs Dr Anna-Maria Osula (TalTech/Guardtime) & Prof Olaf Maennel (TalTech)
Organising team Martha Jung (TalTech), Kristi Ainen (TalTech)
The ICR conference is organised in conjunction with the Cyber Security Summer School taking place 1st - 5th of July 2019 in Voore.
ICR is very thankful to all partners and sponsors we've had the pleasure to work with!
Our academic partners are

ICR2019 sponsors are

ICR2018 (the 4th Interdisciplinary Cyber Research workshop) is organised with the support of Tallinn University of Technology Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security and Pipedrive. The event is held at the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia on the 9th of June, 2018. The aim of the workshop is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law.
9th of June, 2018 — Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinna Tehnikaüliko
Last years’ events have been a great success with workshops boasting each year around 25 speakers from 10 countries, together with close to hundred workshop participants. Please see for reference the agendas and ICR proceedings of last years’ ICR workshops.
This year’s workshop follows the familiar interdisciplinary format. Our aim is to promote sharing and discussing novel research across different domains, thereby allowing for the creation of new synergies as well as being informed and inspired by “cyber”-research carried out by other disciplines than your own. Foremost, the workshop offers a friendly and forward-thinking environment for getting feedback on your ideas from an international pool of researchers. The workshop will be running in parallel sessions dedicated to more specific research areas, each session being chaired by established scholars and professionals.
You can participate as a speaker (submitting an abstract+delivering a presentation) or simply join our wonderful audience. Speakers are requested to submit a 1000-word abstract. Abstracts should explain the relevance of the research, outline principle research questions, and expected or achieved results together with your research methods. In addition to young researchers and scholars, we welcome student submissions based on Master or PhD thesis research (and bachelor level students are very welcome to join in as audience). All authors will get feedback from our distinguished peer reviewers and selected authors are invited to present their ideas at the workshop. All selected abstracts will be published as workshop proceedings by Tallinn University of Technology (with an ISBN number). Selected authors are also invited to submit their research as an academic article for established academic journals, subject to additional review process.
Keynote speakers
Mr Luc Dandurand, Head of Cyber Operations in Guardtime – “Maximising Cyber Resilience”
Mr Kieren Nicolas Lovell, Head of Computer Emergency Response at University of Cambridge – “Command, Control & Communications within Cyber Incidents”
Programme committee choosing the abstracts
- Dr Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Bernhards Blumbergs, CERT LV
- Prof Tobias Eggendorfer, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences
- Dr Agnes Kasper, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Markus Kont, NATO CCD COE
- Dr Mari-Liis Madisson, University of Tartu
- Prof Olaf Maennel, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Stephen Mason, UK barrister
- Dr Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu
- Ms Katrin Laas-Mikko, SK
- Mr Tomáš Minárik, NATO CCD COE
- Dr Anna-Maria Osula, NATO CCD COE/CodeLaw
- Mr Arnis Paršovs, University of Tartu
- Dr Iain Phillips, Loughborough University
- Prof Andra Siibak, University of Tartu
- Dr Matthew Sorell, University of Adelaide
- Mrs Tiia Sõmer, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Andreas Ventsel, University of Tartu
- Mr Teemu Väisänen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Chairs Dr Anna-Maria Osula (NATO CCD COE) & Prof Olaf Maennel (Tallinn University of Technology)
Organising team Matis Palm (TTU), Anastasiya Kornitska (TTU), Kristine Hovhannisyan (TTU)
The ICR workshop is organised in conjunction with the Cyber Security Summer School, held in Tallinn, Estonia, 11-15 June 2018. For more information on the Summer School, please visit:
For the 3rd year in a row (we must be doing something right?), Tallinn University of Technology Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security and have the pleasure of inviting you to attend ICR2017 (Interdisciplinary Cyber Research workshop 2017) to be held at the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia on the 8th of July, 2017. The aim of the workshop is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law.
8th of July, 2017 — Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinna Tehnikaüliko
Last two years have been a great success with workshops boasting each year around 25 speakers from 10 countries, together with close to hundred workshop participants.
This year’s workshop follows the same interdisciplinary format. Our aim is to promote sharing and discussing novel research across different domains, thereby allowing for the creation of new synergies as well as being informed and inspired by “cyber”-research carried out by other disciplines than your own. Foremost, the workshop offers a friendly and forward-thinking environment for getting feedback on your ideas from an international pool of researchers. The workshop will be running in parallel sessions dedicated to more specific research areas, each session being chaired by established scholars and professionals.
You can participate as a speaker (submitting an abstract+delivering a presentation) or simply join our wonderful audience. Speakers are requested to submit a 1000-word abstract. Abstracts should explain the relevance of the research, outline principle research questions, and expected or achieved results together with your research methods. In addition to young researchers and scholars, we welcome student submissions based on Master or PhD thesis research (and bachelor level students are very welcome to join in as audience). All authors will get feedback from our distinguished peer reviewers and selected authors are invited to present their ideas at the workshop. All selected abstracts will be published as workshop proceedings by Tallinn University of Technology (with an ISBN number). Selected authors are also invited to submit their research as an academic article for established academic journals, subject to additional review process.
Keynote speakers
- Mr Lauri Almann, Former Permanent Secretary of the Estonian Ministry of Defense — ‘“The Triangle of Impossibility”: Strategic Decision-Making and Cyber Security’
- Mr Ralph Echemendia, Cyber security guru, also known as “The Ethical Hacker” — “The Truth about Hacking. From Russia to Hollywood.”
Programme committee choosing the abstracts
- Dr Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Berhnards Blumbergs, NATO CCD COE
- Prof Tobias Eggendorfer, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences
- Dr Agnes Kasper, Tallinn University of Technology
- Ms Mari Kert-Saint Aubyn, Guardtime
- Mr Markus Kont, NATO CCD COE
- Dr Mari-Liis Madisson, University of Tartu
- Prof Olaf Maennel, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Stephen Mason, UK barrister
- Dr Raimundas Matulevicius, University of Tartu
- Mr Tomáš Minárik, NATO CCD COE
- Dr Anna-Maria Osula, NATO CCD COE/Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Arnis Paršovs, University of Tartu
- Dr Iain Phillips, Loughborough University
- Mr Mauno Pihelgas, NATO CCD COE
- Mr Henry Rõigas, NATO CCD COE
- Prof Andra Siibak, University of Tartu
- Ms Tiia Sõmer, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Andreas Ventsel, University of Tartu
- Mr Teemu Väisänen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Chairs Dr Anna-Maria Osula (NATO CCD COE/Tallinn University of Technology) & Prof Olaf Maennel (Tallinn University of Technology)
The ICR workshop is organised in conjunction with the Cyber Security Summer School, held in Tallinn, Estonia, 10-14 July 2017. For more information on the Summer School, please visit:

Tallinn University of Technology Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security, and the IT Law Programme at the University of Tartu have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the 2nd Interdisciplinary Cyber Research (ICR) workshop to be held at the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia on the 2nd of July, 2016. The aim of the workshop is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law.
2nd Interdisciplinary Cyber Research (ICR) workshop 2016 2nd of July, 2016 — Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn University of Technology, SOC building, Akadeemia tee 3, classrooms SOC-211 & SOC-212
Last year the workshop boasted 20 speakers from 10 countries, together with close to hundred workshop participants.
This year’s workshop follows the same interdisciplinary format. Our aim is to promote sharing and discussing novel research across different domains, thereby allowing for the creation of new synergies as well as being informed and inspired by “cyber”-research carried out by other disciplines than your own. Foremost, the workshop offers a friendly and forward-thinking environment for getting feedback on your ideas from an international pool of researchers. The workshop will be running in parallel sessions dedicated to more specific research areas, each session being chaired by established scholars and professionals.
You can participate as an author (abstract+presentation) or just join our wonderful audience. Participants are requested to submit a 1000-word abstract. Abstracts should explain the relevance of the research, outline principle research questions, and expected or achieved results together with your research methods. In addition to young researchers and scholars, we welcome student submissions based on their Master or PhD thesis research. Selected authors are invited to present their ideas at the workshop and all selected abstracts will be published as workshop proceedings by Tallinn University of Technology (with an ISBN number). Selected authors are also invited to submit their research as an academic article for established academic journals, subject to additional review process.
Keynote speakers
- Co-founder of Skype Jaan Tallinn — “Dangers of artificial intelligence”
- UK barrister and author Stephen Mason — “Artificial (software code) intelligence: oh really? And why judges and lawyers are central to the way we live now”
Programme committee choosing the abstracts
- Dr Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Bernhards Blumbergs, NATO CCD COE
- Dr Helen Eenmaa-Dimitrieva, Tartu University, IT Law Programme
- Dr Agnes Kasper, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Markus Kont, NATO CCD COE
- Prof Robert Krimmer, Tallinn University of Technology
- Prof Olaf Maennel, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Tomáš Minárik, NATO CCD COE
- Ms Anna-Maria Osula, NATO CCD COE/Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Arnis Paršovs, Tartu University
- Dr Iain Phillips, Loughborough University
- Mr Mauno Pihelgas, NATO CCD COE
- Prof Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Tartu University
- Dr Andra Siibak, Tartu University
- Dr Matthew Sorell, University of Adelaide
- Dr Andreas Ventsel, Tartu University
Chairs Anna-Maria Osula (NATO CCD COE/Tallinn University of Technology) & Olaf Maennel (Tallinn University of Technology)
The ICR workshop is organised in conjunction with the Cyber Security Summer School, held in Tallinn, Estonia, 3-8 July 2016. For more information on the Summer School, please visit:

Tallinn University of Technology Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security, IT Academy and the IT Law Programme at the University of Tartu invite you to attend the 1st Interdisciplinary Cyber Research (ICR) workshop to be held at the Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia on the 18th of July, 2015. The aim of the workshop is to bring together young as well as established scholars undertaking research in various disciplines related to information and communication technologies such as computer sciences, political and social sciences, and law.
18th of July, 2015 — Tallinn, Estonia
Tallinn University of Technology, SOC building, Akadeemia tee 3, classrooms SOC-211 & SOC-212
The interdisciplinary format of the workshop promotes sharing and discussing novel research across different domains, thereby allowing for the creation of new synergies as well as being informed and inspired by “cyber”-research carried out by other disciplines than your own. Foremost, the workshop offers a friendly and forward-thinking environment for getting feedback on your ideas from an international pool of researchers. The workshop will be running in parallel sessions dedicated to more specific research areas, each session being chaired by established scholars and professionals.
Participants are requested to submit a 1000-word abstract. Abstracts should explain the relevance of the research, outline principle research questions and expected or achieved results. In addition to young researchers and scholars, we welcome student submissions based on their Master or PhD thesis research. Selected authors are invited to present their ideas at the workshop and all selected abstracts will be published as workshop proceedings by Tallinn University of Technology (with an ISBN number). Selected authors are also invited to submit their research as an academic article for established academic journals, subject to additional review process.
Keynote speakers
- Prof Christopher Millard, Queen Mary University of London - “Data Sovereignty, Data Flow, and International Jurisdiction in Cloud Computing”
- Prof Jon Crowcroft, Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge - “Gnawing away at Internet of Things Silos”
Programme committee choosing the abstracts
- Ms Agnes Kasper, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Andra Siibak, Tartu University, Department of Media and Communication
- Dr Andreas Ventsel, Tartu University, Department of Semiotics
- Ms Anna-Maria Osula, Tartu University, NATO CCD COE
- Dr Hayretdin Bahsi, Tallinn University of Technology
- Dr Helen Eenmaa-Dimitrieva, Tartu University, Director of IT Law Programme
- Dr Iain Phillips, Loughborough University
- Dr Marwan Fayed, University of Stirling
- Prof Olaf Maennel, Tallinn University of Technology
- Mr Teemu Uolevi Vaisanen, NATO CCD COE
- Mr Toomas Lepik, Tallinn University of Technology
Additional materials
‘Forced Localization of Cloud Services: is Privacy the Real Driver?’, an article by prof Christopher Millard, IEEE Cloud Computing, 2015
Chairs Anna-Maria Osula (Tartu University; NATO CCD COE) & Olaf Maennel (Tallinn University of Technology)
The ICR workshop is organised in conjunction with the Cyber Security Summer School, held in Laulasmaa, Estonia, 13-17 July 2015. For more information on the Summer School, please visit: