The laboratory focuses on theoretical and practical study of networked systems built from stationary and/or mobile software-intensive (proactive) components.
Typical components are pervasive computing systems. The research is partitioned into three threads -- modelling and verification of situation-aware interaction-centred computation, methods and technologies for acquiring situational information, and methods for interpretation of situational information for (proactive) decision making. The long-term goal of the laboratory is the ability to detect and partially control the emergent behaviour in pervasive computing systems.

The laboratory was established in 2007 by a decree of Senate (Tallinn University of Technology), stems from the Real Time Systems group at the Department of Computer Control, Tallinn University of Technology, and has inherited its theoretical results and experience.
- Kangilaski, T. and Kaugerand, J., 2024, June. Documenting and Analysing Business-and Operational Risks. In 2024 Tenth International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
- Udal, A., Kaugerand, J., Mõlder, H., Astrov, I. and Bauk, S., 2024, June. Modeling The Trajectory Tracking Accuracy of an Autonomous Catamaran Patrol Vessel Under Different Positional Data Disturbance Conditions. In Maritime Transport Conference (No. 10).
- Kangilaski, T. and Kaugerand, J., 2024. Occupational health and safety risk management with help of ARIS software: Case Study. Safety Management and Human Factors, 151(151).
- Udal, A., Sell, R., Kalda, K., Antov, D. A Predictive Compact Model of Effective Travel Time Considering the Implementation of First-Mile Autonomous Mini-Buses in Smart Suburbs. Smart Cities 2024, 7, 3914-3935. https://doi.org/10.3390/smartcities7060151
- Teichmann, M., Ehala, J., Kaugerand, J., Meriste, M. and Rannat, K., 2024.Let's Add Highly Stressed People to the Cyber-Physical-Social System, Proceedings of Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management 2023, IEEE.
- Teichmann, M., Kaugerand, J., Ehala, J., Meriste, M. and Rannat, K., 2024. Effects of Culture on Public Behavior Patterns in Crisis Situations. Proceedings of Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management.
- Teichmann, M., Kaugerand, J., Meriste, M. and Rannat, K., 2024. Let’s Put a Person Back into Cyber-Physical-Social Research: Public Mental Models Framework. New Frontiers in Cognitive Situation Management with Neuroergonomics. In Press.
- Pihlak, René; Riid, Andri (2023). Automated training set size reduction for detection of small and thin objects. In: Laouar, Mohamed Ridda; Balas, Valentina Emilia; Lejdel, Brahim; Eom, Sean; Boudia, Mohamed Amine (Ed.). 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Advanced Technologies "ICISAT 2022" : Intelligent Information, Data Science and Decision Support System. (423−433). Cham: Springer. (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems; 624). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-25344-7_39.
- Udal, A., Kaugerand, J., Savimaa, R. and Märtens, O., 2023. Militaarobjektide valvetehnoloogia areng. The Estonian Journal of Military Studies, (22), pp.194-224.
- Miasayedava, L., Kaugerand, J. and Tuhtan, J.A., 2023. Lightweight assimilation of open urban ambient air quality monitoring data and numerical simulations with unknown uncertainty. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 28(6), pp.961-975.
- Miasayedava, L., Kaugerand, J. and Tuhtan, J.A., 2023. Lightweight Open Data Assimilation of Pan-European Urban Air Quality. IEEE Access.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
- Coming soon.
- A. Riid, J. Preden, Design of Fuzzy Rule-Based Classifiers through Granulation and Consolidation, to appear in Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research, vol. 7, no. 2, 2017.
- J. Ehala, J. Kaugerand, R. Pahtma, S. Astapov, A. Riid, T. Tomson, J. S. Preden, L. Mõtus, Situation Awareness via IoT and In-Network Data Processing, to appear in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks special issue on Edge Computing in the Internet of Things, 2017
- S. Astapov, J. Berdnikova, J. Ehala, J. Kaugerand, and J.-S. Preden, Gunshot acoustic event identification and shooter localization in a WSN of asynchronous multichannel acoustic ground sensors, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing Journal, in press, 2016
- S. Astapov, A. Riid, and J.-S. Preden, Military vehicle acoustic pattern identification by distributed ground sensors, Proc. 15th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC), Tallinn, Estonia, Oct 2016
- A. Tepljakov, S. Astapov, and D. Draheim, Sound localization and processing for inducing synesthetic experiences in virtual reality, Proc. 15th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC), Tallinn, Estonia, Oct 2016
- L.Motus (2016 submitted) „Situation Awareness in Complex Cognitive Systems: About some essential technological issues“. Submitted in sept 2016 to Journal of Cognitive Systems Research, Special issue on Situation Awareness in Human-Machine Interactive Systems.
- J.S.Preden, J.Llinas, L.Motus (2016) „Middleware for Exchange and Validation of Context Data and Information“ in L. Snidaro, J.Garcia, J.Llinas, E.Blash (Eds) Context-Enhanced Information Fusion: Boosting Real-World Performance with Domain Knowledge, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-28969-4, pp 205 - 230
- S. Astapov, J. Berdnikova, and J.-S. Preden, A two-stage approach to 2D DOA estimation for a compact circular microphone array, Proc. Int. Conf. on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), Kitakyushu, Japan, Jun 2015, pp. 1–6
- S. Astapov, J. Ehala, J. Berdnikova, and J.-S. Preden, Gunshot acoustic component localization with distributed circular microphone arrays, Proc. Int. Conf. on Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Singapore, Jul 2015, pp. 1186–1190
- S. Astapov, J. Berdnikova, J. Ehala, and J. S. Preden, Shooter localization by networked multichannel acoustic ground sensors, Proc. Int. Conf. on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Oct 2015, pp. 332–337
- S. Astapov, J. Ehala, and J.-S. Preden, Performing acoustic localization in a network of embedded smart sensors, International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science (IJMCS), vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 86–95, 2015
- J-S. Preden, K. Tammemäe, A. Jantsch, M. Leier, A. Riid, E. Calis, The Benefits of Awareness and Attention in Fog and Mist Computing. Computer, 48 (7), 37−45, 10.1109/MC.2015.207.
- J. Kaugerand, J. S. Preden, E. Suurjaak, S. Astapov, L. Motus, R. Pahtma. A System of Systems solution for perimeter control: Combining Unmanned Aerial System with unattended ground sensor network. In 9th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), pp. 317-323. IEEE, 2015.
- J. S. Preden, J. Kaugerand, E. Suurjaak, S. Astapov, L. Motus, R. Pahtma, Data to decision: pushing situational information needs to the edge of the network, IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision, pp. 158-164, 2015
- A. Riid, J. Preden, Interpretability improvement of fuzzy rule-based classifiers via rule compression, Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Gijon, Spain, pp. 162-169, 2015.
- A. Riid, J. Preden, A combined method for error and complexity reduction in fuzzy rule-based classification, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1-6, 2015.
- M. Jaanus, A. Udal, V. Kukk, K. Umbleja, J. Gorbatseva, and L. Molder, Improved C5D Electronic Realization of Conductivity Detector for Capillary Electrophoresis, Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, vol. 22, no. 3., pp. 29-32, 2016
- S. Astapov, J. Ehala, J.-S. Preden, Collective Acoustic Localization in a Network of Dual Channel Low Power Devices, Proc. 21st International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES 2014), pp. 430-435, Lublin, Poland, 19-21 June 2014
- S. Astapov, J.-S. Preden, J. Ehala, A. Riid, Object Detection for Military Surveillance Using Distributed Multimodal Smart Sensors. Proc. 19th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP 2014), pp. 366-371, Hong Kong, Hiina Rahvavabariik, 20-23 August 2014
- S. Astapov, A. Riid, J.-S. Preden, T. Aruvali, Industrial Process Monitoring by Multi-Channel Acoustic Signal Analysis. Proc. 14th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Embedded Systems (BEC 2014), pp. 209-212, Tallinn, 6-8 October 2014
- S. Astapov, A. Riid, J.-S. Preden, Performing Feature Extraction and Selection for Pattern Discovery in Noisy Acoustic Data. 14th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Embedded Systems (BEC 2014): Special Doctoral Session, Tallinn, 6-8 October 2014
- S. Astapov, J. Berdnikova, J.-S. Preden, Predictive Acoustic Localization and Speaker Tracking for Distributed Sensor Networks. Proc. 13th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2014). Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 10-12 December 2014
- J-S. Preden, Generating situation awareness in cyber-physical systems: creation and exchange of situational information. Proc. of the 2014 International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES '14), New Delhi, India, October 2014. ACM, 21:1−21:3.
- J-S. Preden, R. Pahtma, T. Tomson, L. Motus, Solving Big Data: Distributing Computation Among Smart Devices. In: Robal T.; Kalja A.; Haav H.-M. (Ed.). Databases and Information Systems (245−258). IOS Press. (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications).
- J-S. Preden, (2014). On-line data validation in distributed data fusion. Proc of the Workshop on Future Internet Architectures for Military Networks, Oslo, Norway, 29. - 30. jaanuar 2014. Ed. Eli Winjum. North Atlantic Treaty Organization,.
- J-S. Preden, R. Pahtma, S. Astapov, A. Riid, E. Suurjaak, J. Ehala, L. Motus, Distributed fusion and automated sensor tasking in ISR systems. Proc of Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR IV, SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing. Ed. T. Pham; M. A. Kolodny; K. L. Priddy. SPIE,.
- J-S. Preden, L. Motus, J. Llinas, R. Pahtma, R. Savimaa, M. Meriste, S. Astapov, Improvised Explosive Devices in Asymmetric Conflicts: Multisource Data Fusion for Providing Situational Information. In: A. Gorod, B. E. White, V. Ireland, S. J. Gandhi, B. Sauser (Ed.). Case Studies in System of Systems, Enterprise Systems, and Complex Systems Engineering (407−443). Taylor & Francis. (Complex and Enterprise Systems Engineering).
- A. Riid, E. Rüstern, Adaptability, interpretability and rule weights in fuzzy rule-based systems, Information Sciences, vol. 257, pp. 301−312, 2014.
- A. Riid, J. Preden, S. Astapov, Detection, identification and tracking of mobile objects with distributed system of systems, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SOSE), Adelaide, Australia, pp. 224−229, 2014.
- M. Jaanus, A. Udal, V. Kukk, and K. Umbleja, Competence Based Interactive Learning with HomeLabKits: Experience and Work in Progress, Proc. of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference EDUCON2014 (Istanbul, Turkey, 3-5 Apr, 2014), IEEE, pp. 1082−1084, 2014.
- K. Umbleja, V. Kukk, M. Jaanus, and A. Udal, New Concepts of Automatic Answer Evaluation in Competence Based Learning, Proc. of the IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference EDUCON2014 (Istanbul, Turkey, 3-5 Apr, 2014), IEEE, pp. 922−925, 2014
- M. Jaanus, A. Udal, V. Kukk, and K. Umbleja, Implementation of the Robot Arm in the Interactive Learning Environment, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Signals and Electronic Systems ICSES 2014 (Poznań, Poland, 11-13 September, 2014), IEEE, pp. 1−4, 2014.
- A. Udal, M. Jaanus, K. Umbleja, and R. Reeder, The Method of Quantum Optical Communication Based on Entangled Photon Pairs, Proc. of 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference BEC2014 (Tallinn, Estonia, October 6-8, 2014), IEEE, pp. 33-36, 2014.
- R. Reeder, A. Udal, E. Velmre, A. Valavanis, J. Cooper, A. Grier, and P. Harrison, Numerical Aspects of the Development of Quantum Cascade Laser Simulation Software, Proc. of 14th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference BEC2014 (Tallinn, Estonia, October 6-8, 2014), IEEE, pp. 37-40, 2014.