Tallinn University of Technology Library Rules
September 23, 2021
1. General
1.1. Tallinn University of Technology Library (hereinafter: Library) is a university library, a research library and the public central technical library of Estonia. This rules ensures the implementation of these three main directions, within the scope prescribed by the statutes of the Library.
1.1.1. TalTech Library EMERA (Estonian Maritime Academy) Branch provides lending library materials for use at home for members of TalTech and Eesti Merekool.
1.2. The Library serves all individuals, companies, institutions and organisations.
1.3. Video surveillance and electronic protection system for library materials have been implemented in the Library.
1.4. This rules applies for all library visitors. Registered users can use more library services.
2. User registration
2.1. New users can register at the library or via a web form. Registering at the library requires a valid personal identification document with a photograph. The user fills out a registration card or the web form that, after signed, obliges the user to follow the Library's rules of procedure.
2.1.1. A written consent of a parent or guardian is required for children aged under 16 years.
2.2. When registering as a user, the user submits the following data: given name and surname, personal identification code (upon absence of personal identity code, the date of birth), telephone, e-mail address, position (only TalTech employees), education, occupation, student identification code (only TalTech students), educational institution (students from other universities and schools), home country. On the basis of the submitted data, an Estonian ID-card, a residence permit, digital identification document (digital ID) or a fee-based user card is established as the library card.
2.3. The library card is issued for the exclusive use of the holder and it is forbidden to pass it on to another person.
2.4. The library card should be renewed once a year independently or with the help of the library staff at the library, user data is verified during the renewal. Users without a valid library card will not be served. The library card is renewed only if the user does not have any fines or overdue items.
2.5. The user is obligated to notify the Library of any changes in their personal data, or to update their personal data via the e-catalogue (My ESTER).
2.6. Use of users’ personal data
2.6.1. A database of registered users is maintained by the Library. The user database is for internal library use, access to it is restricted to the Library employees providing services, who are obligated to preserve the confidentiality of the users’ personal data. Access to personal data shall be granted to other people only in cases provided by legislation.
2.6.2. The handling of users’ personal data is regulated by TalTech Library Procedure for Processing and Protection of Personal Data.
2.6.3. Personal data in the user database shall be used to identify users and provide library services, including sending reminders and other notices, and conducting statistical analyses where the data is not related to the person.
2.6.4. The user’s data in the library system is protected with a personal password.
2.6.5. The data is preserved in the user database, in the Registration Card Index, and in the database of DigiDoc files during the period of validity of the library card and for a period of 5 years following the expiry of the card. After the aforementioned period, user data will be deleted from the databases and the registration card will be removed from the Registration Card Index. The data of the user with fines or overdue items will not be deleted.
3. Services
3.1. Library services include:
3.1.1. Lending of library materials for use at home and in the library;
3.1.2. reference and information service;
3.1.3. user training, counselling and consultations;
3.1.4. lending library materials via Interlibrary Loans (ILL) to Estonian and foreign libraries; borrowing library materials and ordering copies from Estonian and foreign libraries for TalTech Library users;
3.1.5. granting access to electronic resources in accordance with agreements and licence agreements;
3.1.6. photocopying: self-service and librarian-assisted;
3.1.7. printing: self-service;
3.1.8. scanning: self-service and librarian-assisted;
3.1.9. binding service;
3.1.10. sale of books published by TalTech Publishing;
3.1.11. other services pursuant to the Library’s objectives.
3.2. The Library provides computer workstations for conducting an information search, accessing electronic sources of information, and processing documents. It is possible to use Wi-Fi data communication network, individual study rooms and group study rooms; members of TalTech can use the study room that is accessible 24/7 (at Akadeemia tee 1 in Tallinn).
3.2.1. It is advised to use TalTech Uni-ID to log in to computers. It is possible to log in with a local username if the user does not have a Uni-ID.
3.2.2. The use of 24/7 study room is regulated by 24/7 study room rules and guidelines.
3.3. Library materials can be borrowed free of charge; other services may be fee-based. Prices for fee-based services are established by the Library Director’s order.
3.4. Users with overdue items and fees have a limited use of the library services.
3.5. Registered users can use all services provided by the Library. Without registration, the use of library services is limited.
4. Borrowing
4.1. Library materials are borrowed only on the basis of a valid library card. At a time the user may have:
4.1.1. TalTech students – up to 25 items;
4.1.2. TalTech employees – up to 30 items;
4.1.3. Users from outside TalTech – up to 10 items.
4.2. Library materials located on open shelves may be used in the reading rooms without the assistance of a librarian.
4.3. In order to borrow items from the closed stacks and service desks, the person must be a registered user and must submit a precisely and legibly completed call slip.
4.4. Borrowed library materials may not be damaged. When borrowing, it is recommended that the condition of the library materials be examined and a librarian notified of any missing pages, additions or other defects. If any defects are discovered upon return, responsibility shall be borne by the user.
4.5. The user undertakes to return borrowed items by the due date or to apply for a renewal.
4.5.1. The user will receive automatic e-mail notices sent by the library system about the coming due dates and reminders for overdue items. The Library cannot guarantee that the automatic e-mails reach the recipient, and a message that was not received is not counted as a basis for refusing to pay the overdue fee.
4.6. Overdue library materials will be subject to a fine based on the established procedure.
4.6.1. Library materials will not be renewed, additional materials will not be loaned, and the user will not be able to queue for a book if the amount of fines exceeds 3,00 euros.
4.7. The Library must be compensated for lost or damaged library materials in accordance with the established procedure.
4.8. Library materials that have not been checked out may not be taken out of the library. A user who violates this rule will lose the right to use the library for up to one year. If the user is believed to be acted in bad faith, the university’s security service and police will be notified of an attempted theft.
4.9. Library materials may be borrowed for 30 days (un-marked); 14 days (yellow marking); 7 days (blue marking).
4.10. Reference works and library materials intended for in-library use (red marking) may only be used within the library.
4.11. Periodicals may only be used within the library.
4.12. Textbooks from the textbook collection will only be loaned to TalTech members (if not agreed otherwise).
4.12.1. Textbooks may be borrowed for 90 days; textbooks in high demand and textbooks from the archive collection may be borrowed for a period of 30 days.
4.12.2. As a special exception, only teaching staff may borrow books required for teaching for the entire semester.
4.13. Upon graduating from TalTech or terminating the contract of employment, items borrowed from the textbook collection and from the EMERA Branch must be returned to the library; the user maintains the right to borrow from other collections.
5. Internal rules
5.1. Service is provided on the basis of a valid library card. All visitors are obliged to follow the Library’s internal rules.
5.2. A user is prohibited from violating the public order in any way.
5.3. Order and silence shall be preserved in all library areas; the user may not disturb other visitors with their behaviour.
5.4. To prevent damage to library materials and inventory, eating in the library is prohibited. It is allowed to consume non-alcoholic drinks that are in leak-proof beverage containers.
5.5. Users who are intoxicated or under the influence of narcotics or wearing visibly dirty clothing or have poor hygiene will not be allowed in the library.
5.6. Library employees have the right to inspect the library users’ belongings and the users are obliged to allow the inspection when entering, remaining in and leaving the library’s reading areas.
5.7. The Library shall not be liable for objects left unattended in the library’s rooms.
6. User's responsibility
6.1. In the case of violation of the Library’s rules of procedure, the user shall lose the right to use the Library, either temporarily or permanently. The term shall be designated by the Library Director, taking into consideration the degree of the breach of order and other related circumstances.
6.1.1. If the user has violated the rules and regulations of the 24/7 study room (clause 3.2.2), the Library’s director can revoke the user’s right to use the 24/7 study room, but keep the user’s right to use other library services. The period of suspension will be determined by the Library’s director based on the severity of the violation and other aspects regarding it.
6.2. The user bears material liability for library materials, devices or other assets in their use. The Library shall be compensated for any damage caused. Damage caused by an individual aged under 16 years shall be compensated by their parent.