Tallinn University of Technology

Table of Contents


Oct 23

Visibility of the researcher and science in the (open) (science) world (in Estonian)
Starts at 15.30, participate in room LIB-522 or via MS Teams. Presenter Mirjam Piik. Register here

Oct 24

How to find a suitable scientific journal for publication (open access)? (in Estonian)
Quartiles and classifications, data journals and data articles.
Starts at 15.30, participate in room LIB-522 or via MS Teams. Presenter Piret Remmelgas. Register here

Oct 25

Webinar “Data protection in Research”
13.00-14.00, Zoom
The webinar will feature three presentations, two of which will be in Estonian, and one in English. The presentations will cover the following topics: Introduction to the “Data Protection in Research” guide (Marten Juurik, ETAG/UT), information security and its relevance to research (Toomas Lepik, TalTech) and introduction to the anonymization tool, Amnesia (Manolis Terrovitis, OpenAIRE – starting at 14.00 in English). Register here

The event is organized by DataCite Estonia, OpenAIRE Estonian NOAD ja RDA Estonia.

Oct 26

Research data and data management – part of the open science world (in Estonian)
The training will address the general principles of research data management.
Starts at 15.30, participate in room LIB-522 or via MS Teams. Presenter Janelle Kirss. Register here

Oct 27

TalTechData (in Estonian)
Introduction to using the Data Repository of Tallinn University of Technology.
Starts at 14.00, participate in room LIB-522 or via MS Teams. Register here

31.05 How to find a scientific journal for publication? New requirements and possibilites - quartiles and classifiers, data journals and data papers
16.00-17.00, Teams, more information piret.remmelgas@taltech.ee 
Registration https://forms.office.com/e/JvNpuXcgn7

08.06 Creating a data management plan - general scientific data management, ETAg and an overview of the topics of Horizon European data management plans
15.30-17.00, Teams, more information janelle.kirss@taltech.ee
Registration https://forms.office.com/e/kN45y9i9aZ


Open access and scientific communication have been promoted through several initiatives over the last ten years. Several information sources and databases have been created with the support of SHERPA and OpenAIRE projects .

Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE)
The OpenAIRE portal is a good starting point for researchers to choose a repository. OpenAIRE is an e-Infrastructure designed to promote open science, a portal that seeks to make as much of Europe's research projects, publications and research data available as possible.

The European Research Council (ERC) recommends favoring sector - specific repositories, such as:

Institutional repositories or the multidisciplinary Zenodo, provided by OpenAIRE and managed by CERN, may also be used in their absence.

Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR)
OpenDOAR is the quality-assured, global Directory of Open Access Repositories. The directory contains repositories that provide free, open access to academic outputs and resources.

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
The catalog contains peer-reviewed, open access scientific journals, periodicals and metadata of their articles. Nearly 10% of the 9,400 magazines carry the DOAJ "Seal" quality mark, which confirms that these magazines meet high standards of openness and publishing.
In the case of a DOAJ magazine marked "Seal", the following conditions are met: long-term digital preservation and archiving is guaranteed; journal articles are equipped with DOI, metadata, machine-readable CC license; allow maximum reuse under a CC BY, CC BY-SA or CC BY-NC license; the existence of an archiving policy, its reflection in the relevant register (eg SHERPA / RoMEO); copyright retention without restriction for the author.

Open Policy Finder
Three Sherpa Services, Sherpa Fact, Sherpa Romeo and Sherpa Juliet, have been combined into a single platform Open Policy Finder. The new platform allows users to: 

  • check if compliance with funder open access policies can be achieved with a particular journal,
  • get a summary of publishers' open access archiving conditions for individual journals and books,
  • to see funders’ conditions for open access publication.