Research visibility
Persistent identifiers
To analyse the effectiveness of publishing, Estonian universities usually use two major abstract and citation databases:
There is free access to both databases and their analysis modules (InCites; SciVal) via the university library website. To access the databases from outside the university network, the EduVPN connection must be used.
In TalTech, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature Scopus and its analysis module SciVal have been selected to evaluate the efficiency of publishing R&D results of academic staff.
Identification of authors of publications
In order to obtain reliable database search results, it is important that the author of the publication can be unambiguously identified. As authors with similar names are quite common, the use of the author's name alone is not always reliable enough. Therefore, unique authors´ identification codes are used in the databases to distinguish them. In Scopus, such an identifier is ORCID-iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), in Web of Science both ORCID-iD and ResearcherID are used.
Given the above, all persons working in academic positions at the university are required to have their own personal ORCID-iD. In case the person taking up an academic position at TalTech does not have an ORCID-iD, he/she must obtain a personal identification code within two weeks from the conclusion of the employment contract. The instructions for obtaining a personal ORCID are provided in the chapter “REGISTERING AN ORCID iD” below.
The registered identification codes must also be entered in the corresponding fields of your CV in ETIS.
It is important that after registering an ORCID-iD the author connects his/her own publications with the personal identification code. Instructions on how to do this are provided in the section "ADDING PUBLICATIONS TO A PERSONAL ORCID RECORD".
NB! Keep in mind that in order to connect your SCOPUS publications to ORCID you have to associate your SCOPUS profile page with your ORCID-iD (See the chapter “CONNECTING THE AUTHOR'S PROFILE TO THE ORCID-iD in SCOPUS“).
Registering an ORCID-iD
The ORCID iD is a unique, open digital identifier that distinguishes the researcher from every other researcher with the same or a similar name. This https URI with a 16-digit number uniquely identifies a specific person, e.g. The ORCID iD is designed to be a career-long identifier.
Registering your ORCID iD is an online process that should take less than one minute. After completing the registration, you can update or add information by logging in to your account. After submitting your registration, you will be directed to your new ORCID record. Make sure you look for a welcome message from ORCID asking you to verify your email address. If you don’t see it in your main email inbox, check your spam or junk folder.
Adding publications to a personal ORCID record
There are four possibilities to add your works to ORCID:
Add works by direct import from other systems to import links to your publications and other works to your ORCID record from other databases. This is the recommended process because it reduces or eliminates errors, and enables a reliable connection between your ORCID iD and your Works.
The maximum number of works you can add to your ORCID record is 10,000. This helps avoid performance issues on the ORCID Registry. If you exceed this limit, you will see an error message asking you to remove some works and try again.

If you have any questions, you can always get help from the ORCID Support Center
Connecting the author's profile to ORCID-iD in SCOPUS
Publications in Scopus must be connected to your ORCID iD via your personal Scopus profile. To do this, enter your Scopus profile and click on the "Connect to ORCID" link in the "Profile actions" frame on the right side of the page. If you have not yet created an ORCID iD, you can do so via the same link.

The ORCID website opens in a new window. After logging in, review your publications and follow the prompts to connect the author details to ORCID.
It should be borne in mind that the linking process does not take place immediately, but can take up to a month. After your Scopus profile is connected with ORCID, a link to your personal ORCID website will appear in your profile description (on the "Author details" page).

Adding another member to your ORCID account
You can appoint other people to manage your account and give them rights to connect your publications to your ORCID account. You can add another person with an ORCID account as a manager under “Account Settings”.

Insert the e-mail address of the person in the “Trusted individuals” field. If you would like TalTech library’s bibliographers to help you with managing your account, please write or to the field.

In case of any problems write at or, or call +372 620 3551
DataCite Eesti
DataCite is a global network of national libraries, data centres and other research organisations that works to increase the recognition of data as legitimate, citable contributions to the scholarly record.
DataCite contributes to the emerging research data infrastructure by providing Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for datasets and other non-traditional research outputs. DOI assignment helps to make data persistently identifiable and citable. In addition, DataCite promotes standards for data citation and description, and through its network of member organisations, creates an international community of users which helps to establish best-practices for the citation and management of research data.
Initiated by the University of Tartu Library and the University of Tartu Natural History Museum and funded by the Estonian Research Council, the University of Tartu joined DataCite in 2014 and acquired the right to assign unique Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) to research data created in Estonia.
The DataCite Estonia Consortium was founded in the early 2015 in order to guarantee the findability and usability of research data created by the researchers of the member universities. The members have the right to use all interfacing- and data centre management-related services, including the registration of DOIs, offered by the Consortium. Any institution or person, whose joining is approved by the Consortium Board, can join the DataCite Estonia Consortium.
In 2015, Estonian Research Council established the Open Science Expert Group which has compiled the general principles and policy recommendations document for open science in Estonia. This document is a systematic approach in the field of open science, where the principles of open science are introduced, the main policy options and further activities are indicated. Open Science in Estonia: Principles and Recommendations for Developing National Policy (June 2016). By the end of 2015, Estonian scientific publishers issued 46 peer-reviewed journals; about 3/4 of them have the "gold" open access.