Tallinn University of Technology

Collaboration with students

TalTech's Student Counselling Office mediates speciality-related internship offers to students. We send the offers to the internship coordinators of Schools, who forward them to students. In addition, we print the advertisements in black and white on A4 paper and display them on the internship offers board of the Student Counselling Office. You can find the advertisements also on the Facebook page of the Student Counselling Office.

The Student Counselling Office sends the speciality-related job offers received to the programme directors of the relevant specialities. The university reserves the right not to post non-speciality-related or inappropriate job offers.

NB! TalTech School of Business and Governance has launched a special online platform for internship  offers to make recruitment easy and fast. The Internship Portal is the only channel to forward your internship offer to TalTech SBG students. This portal also functions as a recruitment software for employers to make the hiring process even more effective. Please insert your offer manually or upload as a photo here: https://sbg.career.taltech.ee

More information:

Requirements for offers

Please send your offers in Estonian or in English in PDF format to praktika@taltech.ee. An advertisement should fit on one A4 page. You can bring internship advertisements printed in colour to the Student Counselling Office (Ehitajate tee 5, building U04, room 104).

Intership and job offers are mediated free of charge.

An offer should include the following information:

  • name(s) of the speciality/specialities, for the students of which the offer is intended

  • name and brief introduction of the company

  • period of the internship

  • tasks (before you commence internship, you must agree on the tasks with the internship coordinator)

  • working language

  • Are international students welcome to apply?

  • Is the internship paid?

  • requirements and deadline for applying

Mediation of ideas for graduation theses

The Student Counselling office also mediates offers and ideas for graduation theses. Submit a short description of the subject of the thesis to praktika@taltech.ee and include the programmes of our university, to which this thesis idea would fit.

The Student Counselling Office will forward the offers and ideas to the Programme Managers the corresponding programmes.
