Tallinn University of Technology

Need-based special allowance

A student has the right to apply for need-based special allowance if:

  1. they are an Estonian citizen or are staying in Estonia on the basis of a long-term or temporary residence permit or on the basis of a permanent or temporary right of residence;

  2. they study full-time and by the starting semester have cumulatively completed at least 75 per cent of the study load subject to completion under the study programme in the previous semesters or studies full-time in the first semester;

  3. the student's application for need-based study allowance has been declined in the relevant semester on the grounds that according to the register of taxable persons of the Estonian Tax and Customs Board (ETCB) the average monthly income of the student and his or her family members exceeds the established maximum average income calculated for the receipt of need-based study allowance (the monthly income per family member exceeds 762,50 euros gross);

  4. the average monthly income of the three months preceding the submission of an application for need-based study allowance of the student and his or her family members does not exceed the maximum average income calculated for the receipt of need-based study allowance established annually by the state budget, above all, if the given income has decreased in connection with registration of the student or his or her family member as unemployed or in connection with permanent incapacity for work in the extent of 80–100 per cent;

  5. an application for need-based study allowance has been declined in the calendar month of application for special allowance.

From 1st of August 2022, need-based study allowance and need-based special allowance will no longer extend to students (who are coming to study from outside the European Union) with a temporary residence permit for studies.

How to apply?

Applying for need-based special allowance:

  • A student shall apply for need-based study allowance immediately prior to submission of an application for need-based special allowance (in the current month) so that an application declined in the same month together with the reason would be indicated.

  • A student shall fill in the application form and shall send the digitally signed form to the e-mail address vpet@taltech.ee

  • A student shall submit a document issued by the state register of his/her country of origin certifying:

  • the composition of his/her family

  • the income of the last three months of all his/her family members

  • other documents required to certify the applicant’s and his or her family members’ monthly income of the three months preceding the submission of an application, excluding bank statements.

  • A student shall submit a certificate from ETCB certifying the average monthly income of the three months preceding the submission of a need-based study allowance of the student and his/her family members

  • If the original documents issued in a foreign country are not in English, the student must submit their certified translation into English or Estonian.

  • Each family member of an applicant can subscribe their certificate from ETCB by logging in to www.emta.ee/eng and doing as follows: Registers and inquiries -> Compilation of certificates -> New certificate -> Taxation data certificate.

  • On the 10th date of each month, data from the previous month will be sent to ETCB. Income certificate must always be submitted about three preceding months. Therefore, when applying for allowance for example on the dates from 1st to 9th of September, August tax information is not available yet. In this case months of May, June, July must be selected. Starting from 10th of September, August data is already available and then months of June, July, August must be selected.

The extracts of the documents must be sent to the e-mail address: vpet@taltech.ee.

Note: The documents issued by ETCB and signed digitally shall be sent to the university in the form of a .ddoc file.

Applications can be submitted throughout the entire semester. Need-based special allowance shall be paid for up to five months a semester starting from the month of applying for the allowance.
The amount of the need-based special allowance is 135 EUR a month.
In order to receive allowance starting from the current month, an application with all the required additional documents must be submitted before the 21st day of the current month.

Applications shall be satisfied in the order of their submission until there are enough resources in the respective allowance fund allocated to Tallinn University of Technology.