Tallinn University of Technology

The best student research works were announced in December. The national awards were given out in three levels of study, and in six fields. In addition, many special awards were given out as well.  

The best supervisors from TalTech:

Applied higher education and bachelor level studies:

  1. Aleksei Tepljakov (supervising Stanislav Jeršov)
  2. Viktoria Gudkova (supervising Jana Sarnavskaja)

Master level studies:

  1. Toomas Vaimann (supervising Karolina Kudelina)
  2. Bilal Asad (supervising Karolina Kudelina)
  3. Jürgen Arund (supervising Joosep Paats)
  4. Ivo Fridolin (supervising Joosep Paats) 

Doctoral level studies

  1. Maria Kulp (supervising Piret Saar-Reismaa)
  2. Jekaterina Mazina-Šinkar (supervising Piret Saar-Reismaa)

2020 Grand Prize research supervisors:

  1. Targo Kalamees (supervising Peep Pihelo)
  2. Tõnn Talpsepp (supervising Tarvo Vaarmets) 

Jaak Aab, the minister of education and research, thanked all the participants acknowledged them for their time put into their works.

The award fund for this year was 79’877,79 Euros which is 2200 Euros more than last year.

The competiton is organized by the Estonian Research Council in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research.