Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech’s 102-nd anniversary celebrations took place on the 17th of September during which 55 doctorate students were promoted and 6 people received the “Mente et Manu” medal. 

TalTechi 102. aastapäeva aktus

Anniversary speech “Challenges with the Green Deal- will we face them?” was held by Maarja Grossberg- a material engineer and L’Oreal Baltic-UNESCO programme scholarship holder. 

“Mente et Manu” medal is awarded to a university employee or to a person that has had an outstanding contribution towards the university, higher education or research. This year’s medals were awarded to:

Jaan Penjam- Former director of Department of Cybernetics and Department of Software Science received his award for his outstanding services towards Estonian IT field by leading it’s cornerstone, the Department of Cybernetics and successfully launching and leading the Department of Software Science.  
Aime Piht- the head of Dean’s Office of the School of Engineering was awarded the medal for her outstanding contribution and work as the head of division registry, information and student as well as her work as a head of Dean’s Office of the School of Engineering.  

Hella Riisalu- Senior researcher of TalTech Virumaa College received her award for her outstanding work in the research and development of shale oil recycling.  

Urve Venesaar- a long time TalTech professor received her award for her outstanding contribution towards entrepreneurship studies and establishing as well as promoting it’s field of research in TalTech.  

Raul Voit- An alumnus of TalTech and a member of the board of Morbela OÜ was awarded with the medal for his long-time and outstanding contribution towards the development of the university and his diverse support of TalTech alumni movement.  

Professor Renno Veinthal- the professor received his award for his outstanding contribution towards the creation and implementation of new model of academic career as the Vice-Rector for Research.

55 doctorate students were promoted this year:
School of Information Technologies
Egon Astra
Regina Erlenheim
Priit Järv
Gert Kanter
Jaanus Kaugerand
Hendrik Maarand
Adeboye Stephen Oyeniran
Ahto Truu
School of Engineering

Balpreet Kaur
Hakan Berber
Anti Haavajõe
Mihkel Härm
Marek Jarkovoi
Andrei Kervališvili
Anna Kidakova
Tarmo Mere
Mirko Mustonen
Nelly Oldekop
Abayomi Titilope Oluwabi
Babak Omranpour Shahreza
Peep Pihelo
Ramin Rahmani Ahranjani
Raimo Simson
Siim Sultson
Erve Sõõru
Anastassia Taivosalo
Anneli Talvik
Jiří Tintěra
Erko Õunapuu
Maxim Yashin
School of Science
Rohit Bhadoria
Tiina Drell
Gabor Zoltan Elek
Mikk Kaasik
Nataliia Kinash
Jekaterina Krištal
Kai Lauri
Palanivel Molaiyan
Mart Reimund
Piret Saar-Reismaa
Monika Stoljarova
Tarvi Teder
Jüri Teras
Marina Teras
Ursula Toom
Johan Viiro
School of Business and Administration
Jelena Družinina
Vaiva Kiaupaite-Grušniene
Keegan David Braun McBride
Olga Mikheeva
Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen
Merli Reidolf
Signe Rosenberg
Tarvo Vaarmets
Kaija Valdmaa

The Alumnus of the Year was awarded to an inventor and an innovator-Mart Min.