Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech will elect the rector on May 18. Before that, candidates must prove themselves in a public debate on 8 May at 2 p.m. You are very welcome to follow the online debate and ask the candidates questions!

The debate is aimed at both the university community and the general public - the development directions of the university, its academic ambitions as well as its role in society will be discussed. The debate will be moderated by Urmas Vaino.

You are welcome to ask candidates questions or leave a comment before the debate. Send your question(s) and comment(s) by e-mail to rektorivalimised@taltech.ee or enter here.
Follow the debate: www.taltech.ee/university/rectors-election-2020/.

Candidates for the TalTech rector position are: the current rector, Professor Jaak Aaviksoo, the director of the TalTech Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Professor Jarek Kurnitski, and the rector of Tallinn University, Professor Tiit Land.

The new rector will take office on September 1, 2020.
