Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech students can now take online courses at EuroTeQ partner universities.

Take a look at the program

Courses can be selected from the following top European technical universities:

·       Technical University of Munich – TUM (Germany)

·       Technical University of Eindhoven – TU/e (The Netherlands)

·       Technical University of Denmark – DTU (Denmark)

·       École Polytechnique – L´X (France)

·       Czech Technical University in Prague – CTU (Czechia)

Students who wish take advantage of this opportunity must submit an application by August 11 or 18 (depending on the deadline given by the partner university). Read all about the courses, terms for applying, and deadlines.

All courses are taught in English. The selection includes courses in a variety of fields.

Credits are awarded for completed courses in accordance with TalTech’s terms and procedure for recognising previous studies and professional experience.

For more information, please contact kerli.roosimaa@taltech.ee

EuroTeQ campus