Tallinn University of Technology

The biggest asset of a university is its people. Looking from the outside, we see very many outstandingly smart, dedicated and development-oriented people at TalTech, who at the same time are able to adapt to new circumstances, new knowledge that they acquire from research or from problems that the society is facing. 

TalTech is the most international university in Estonia. Our family includes representatives from more than 100 countries. This creates a unique context where we operate. We have the opportunity to embrace experiences and knowledge from a wide range of countries, from scores of experts and from disciplines that might not even be taught in Estonia.

I would like to mention TalTech’s relationship with the Estonian society. Whereas it is normally expected from universities that they meet the needs and challenges of the society, TalTech has demonstrated that we can also proactively steer how particular topics are handled within the entire Estonian society. Partly this is due to the context of a small country, where 
a lot of knowledge has accumulated into universities and in other institutions whether public or private, there are not so many think tanks or centres of excellence which might attract the top-quality research and knowledge. The green transition is a particularly good example here. TalTech has ample opportunities for steering the discussions within the Estonian society, helping to explain it, frame it, offering alternatives, allowing all our faculties to contribute. showing what the green transition means to each and every one of us.

I would also like to highlight a unique trait stemming from our motto "Mente et Manu". On the one hand we really are a Humboldtian university, where research-based learning and teaching, academic freedom, creative and critical thinking are pivotal, on the other hand we are also characterized by an entrepreneurial and practical mindset. Combining these two is key at TalTech.