Tallinn University of Technology

In case you have symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, you can have the COVID-19 arranged by your official Family Doctor

In case you either do not have or cannot reach your Family Doctor, you can contact Valvekliinik (a private Urgent Care Clinic) by email – info@valvekliinik.ee and inform them about your symptoms + state your ID-number (“isikukood” in Estonian), your phone number and your name. The personnel at Valvekliinik will reply with instructions how to schedule the test, if needed (according to the symptoms and close-contacts).

The consultation and issuing of the referral by Valvekliinik will cost 10eur (they will send an invoice to your email). PS! Not everybody will need to get tested.

Additional and official information about the COVID-19 can be found at https://taltech.ee/en/covid19information and  https://www.terviseamet.ee/en/covid19