Tallinn University of Technology

Instructions for studies from 18 May, changes in the academic calendar and information for applying for master's studies.

Arrangement of studies

  • Until the end of the semester, studies will continue mainly by distance learning. As regards the courses, the practical parts of which cannot be conducted and/or passed online, the lecturer can exceptionally arrange the practical part on the premises of the university in the period from 18 May to 10 June. Alternative options will be provided for those who are unable to attend the classes. Lecturers will inform the students about the classes.
  • Face-to-face meetings shall be arranged in groups of up to 10 students and the 2+2 requirement must be followed in classroom seating arrangement of students. If studies can be carried out in larger rooms, it is allowed to have more than ten students in the room by applying a sparse seating arrangement (in adherence to the 2+2 requirement). We ask the students to follow the 2+2 requirement also in the corridors.
  • The university ensures that disinfectants and masks are available in every room, where teaching or assessment is carried out

 Changes in the academic calendar

  • All the scheduled deadlines regarding completion of courses and defence of graduation thesis remain valid. In exceptional and justified cases, a lecturer may propose a deadline for passing an exam or a department may propose a deadline for defending graduation theses in the period until 19 August.
  • Students will be informed of the manner and date of a concrete exam or defence.
  • Exceptionally in this year, a thesis may be assigned a conditional pass. This means that some courses may have not been completed by the time of the defence, but the condition for graduating from the university is that the entire study programme must be completed by 19 August 2020 at the latest. For more information on conditional defence pass and on how to apply, please contact the dean's office of your school.
  • Due to the exceptional exams and defences of graduation theses, the end date of the semester and academic year will be postponed to 19 August 2020.
  • The end date of the academic leave of students who have been on academic leave this semester is 19 August.
  • The period for declaring courses for the autumn semester will start on 25 August.