The winners of the first TalTech Waste Challenge were selected on Wednesday, 18 May. Throughout the semester, contestants solved real-life issues related to cities, energy and consumption. SiteVision, ENSA.AI and GroceryPackageService were selected as the best ideas. The competition was part of the international cooperation project EuroTeQ Collider. The theme of the competition was ‘Leave No Waste Behind’.

Best ideas by fields
SiteVision is a project developing software as a service to manage construction sites. The working environment is captured in images and videos, after which they are analysed in order to monitor the progress and safety measures of projects in real time. The team members are: Risto Vahenurm (open university), Rene Allkivi (Business Information Technology, MA).
ENSA.AI offers companies a smart building automation solution to efficiently manage air ventilation systems by using an artificial intelligence algorithm. Air ventilation management allows companies to predict the occupancy level of a building by using carbon dioxide levels and temperature data. The team members are: Prisca Adenike Adeoti (Mechatronics, MA), Mai-Liis Org (Communicative Electronics, MA), Tatsuki Ishikawa (Computer and Systems Engineering, MA), Sanan Suleymanov (Computer and Systems Engineering, MA), Sander Tsõbulski (Computer and Systems Engineering, MA).
GroceryPackageService is a service which encourages customers to change their behaviour and avoid single-use packaging when buying ready-to-eat foods. The idea is to develop a system of incentives to promote sustainable packaging. For example, providing various-sized reusable packaging in stores and encouraging the use of personal containers. As the incentive, the team suggested a reward system. The team members are: Karoliine Karu (Design and Technology Future, MA), Maria Teng (Design and Technology Future, MA), Kaspar Timm (Estonian Academy of Arts, Product Design, BA), Aurélien Antoine Henry (INSA Lyon, Mechanical Engineering, MA).
The public’s favourite was GreenUp, which motivates people and helps them sort their household waste in an environmentally-oriented manner. The application brings together people who want to help the environment by creating a community that actively participates in various activities to achieve this goal. The team members are: Ahmed Nasr (Environmental Engineering and Management, MA), Zaur Shukurov (Environmental Engineering and Management, MA), Francisco Tienda Resendez (Environmental Engineering and Management, MA), Rinel Pius (Environmental Engineering and Management, MA).
The winning teams were awarded 650 euros and will go on to represent TalTech at EuroTeQaThon, which is a competition between the partner universities of EuroTeQ taking place from 10 to 12 June. TalTech representatives will travel to the Technical University of Denmark.
A total of 12 teams (36 students) took part in the competition. The projects were judged by a jury of five, including:
- Sven Illing – Vice-Rector for Entrepreneurship at TalTech
- Helen Sooväli-Sepping – Vice-Rector for Green Transformation at TalTech
- Sten Ärm – student representative, chairman of the TalTech Student Union
- Kaisa Hansen – Start-up Manager, Technology Transfer Office
- Ave Ungro – Development Manager of Skills System at the Estonian Qualifications Authority, representative of TalTech partners
Similar project-based learning events are planned for the future as well. If you wish to participate in EuroTeQ Collider either as a student, lecturer, entrepreneur or student continuing their education, let us know!
Additional information:
EuroTeQ Collider is a joint, challenge-based interdisciplinary subject of European universities of technology, which took place for the first time in spring 2022. Through work performed in teams (of 4 to 6 members), Collider aims to develop solutions that are economically sustainable, environmentally friendly and responsive to society’s needs. In order to solve real-life problems, it is important to foster interdisciplinarity, which is founded on knowledge gained from different fields and the ability to link such knowledge to the needs of society and industry. Collider provides an excellent opportunity to develop methodologies that support the integration of co-creation, innovation and science into learning processes.