Tallinn University of Technology


In the last week of October, William Kass, Videographer of the Marketing and Communications Office of TalTech, was the first in the world to perform a backflip on a cargo bike, leaving international sports fans extremely impressed. 

In the video, William, who has been a stunt cyclist for years and is currently employed by TalTech, can be seen to gain momentum to perform a backflip on a pink cargo bike, landing nicely on the track and continuing as if his stunt was the most normal thing in the world.

However, his stunt received wider attention, reaching as far as Canada, where a local cycling magazine published an online article ‘This guy did the world’s first backflip on a cargo bike’, as well as the social media and blogs of many cycling enthusiasts. The Instagram account of Bicycle Film Festival has gained over half a million views by now. ‘I guess it’s a pretty good achievement,’ William admits unassumingly. The heads of a company called Hagen Bikes encouraged him to perform the stunt. ‘The backflip was not easy and I was slightly injured,’ the former extreme sports athlete admits.

You can watch William perform his backflip HERE.