The newly formed Board of Tallinn University of Technology, convened for the first time today, electing Heiti Hääl as Chairman and Tõnis Kanger as Vice-Chairman of the Board, and announcing that the Rector elections will take place on 9 May at 10:00 a.m.
The deadline for nominating candidates for Rector is 14 March at 5:00 p.m. Only candidates supported by at least one member of the University Board can run in the election. The names of the candidates will be announced on 28 March. This will be followed by a presentation of the candidates to the university community, the wider public, and public debates.
The Senate of Tallinn University of Technology will provide its opinion on the candidates on 29 April.
The new Rector will assume office at the start of the upcoming academic year.
The practical aspects of the Rector elections are organized by an election committee approved by the Board.
The Rector will be elected by the Board composed of eleven members of whom Tõnis Kanger, Madis Margus, Arvo Oorn, Tiina Randma-Liiv and Tanel Tammet were appointed by the Senate. The Estonian Academy of Sciences appointed Ülo Langel to the Board. The Minister of Education and Research appointed Heiti Hääl, Miina Karafin, Maive Rute, Riin Savi and Ants Vill. The Board is the highest decision-making body of the university.
For more information see: the Tallinn University of Technology Act and the Statutes of Tallinn University of Technology.