Tallinn University of Technology

Tallinn University of Technology and the Ministry of Defence invite all hackers between the ages of 14 and 25 to register for the biggest Estonian cyber defence competition for youth, CyberSpike, which will be held in December. The plot of the competition takes us to the year 2007, when Bronze Night took place, when large-scale street riots took place in Tallinn and cyber attacks were used to knock out the computer networks and e-services of Estonian state institutions.

TalTech ja Kaitseministeerium kutsuvad 14-25-aastaseid häkkereid kübertalentide võistlusele.
All young cyber defence talents are invited to the CyberSpike competition.

The main character of the competition is a secret assistant of the Cyber Defence Unit of the Estonian Defence League, who is invited as an expert on Bronze Night to help both the state and private companies to maintain the necessary services, patch servers and find bad guys who are inside the systems. The goal is to help solve all the concerns that are brought to the talent’s table, thereby protecting the Estonian state - the Estonian e-state.

According to the organizer of the competition, Birgy Lorenz, senior researcher at the Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security of TalTech, Estonia is now ready to simulate what happened in history as a simulation. "Young people also need to understand that the internet is actually fragile if we don't take care of it, and the information war around us needs a smart user who can distinguish the truth from the lie, because otherwise we become trolls ourselves," Lorenz said.

She noted that young people today read about the events on Wikipedia and do not understand how such a thing could have happened. "War did not break out in Estonia or Europe, but our unity was put to the test in the same way, and therefore we have to talk about these things with young people and to carry out simulations so such things do not happen again. Birgy Lorenz thinks it's time to ask - how would you have solved these cyber situations or is it possible to create a safer information society based on the cyber security skills of today's young people?

The preliminary round of the competition will take place on 2-3 December 2022 and the main round on 10 December 2022.

Prizes: Cup of the CyberSpike for the best three, an invitation to study in TalTech, participation in Cyber Camp in Estonia and Norway, additional surprise prizes.

If you want to come and support the initiative, please contact  birgy.lorenz@taltech.ee 

Register for the competition until November 27

Sponsor: Ministry of Defence
Implementer: Tallinn University of Technology
Technical organization: CTF Tech