The construction-themed event BuildIT 2021, held for the eighth time, will take place at TalTech on 13–14 October. It is a two-day event – the conference will take place on the first day, followed by a day of competition.

This year, the main theme of the conference is ‘Acoustics’, focusing on the soundproofing of room acoustics and structures, as well as the noise generated by urban and technical systems. The conference can also be viewed online. Active engineers will receive 5.8 in-service training points for participating in the conference.
Conference speakers will include specialists in their field, such as Hans Orru on the topic of traffic noise, Kaarel Sepp on environmental noise in infrastructure projects, Marko Ründva on the noise problem from the perspective of a person as a receiver of sounds. Kaupo Kõrven will speak on the topic of room acoustics, with the aim of supporting the function of spaces, Jüri Lavrentjev will cover the topic of noise and its reduction in rooms, Dr. Mikko Kylliäinen will give a presentation on ‘Modelling the sound insulation of structures’, the aim of which is to give an idea of how structures behave in relation to sound insulation. The last speaker of the conference is Peep Pihlapson, who will introduce us to the insulation of lightweight structures with the example of Kodumaja Projekteerimise OÜ, and, in addition, the measurement methods of low-frequency airborne sound and footstep noise transmission.
Competition day will include the already traditional events, such as building a paper bridge, Construction Jeopardy, a two-man sawing competition, a Marble Run Challenge and a bricklaying competition. New competitions this year will include ‘Wooden House Cluster Strongest Cantilever’, where it is necessary to build the strongest possible cantilever beam from different wooden materials within two hours; a mini-competition, where you have to produce the most accurate note possible from the given objects; and a Virtual Reality mini-competition, in which participants collect points by venturing on Nordecon’s construction sites.
The whole event is free and aimed at active engineers, students, high school students and all other construction enthusiasts.
The conference and most of the competitions require pre-registration, see our website:
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