Tallinn University of Technology

Due to the 2+2 requirement, Tallinn University of Technology will hold the graduation ceremonies online. The graduates can then organise events safely in smaller groups – among fellow students or in a smaller family circle – and celebrate their graduation from the digital university with dignity. 

However, the graduates will not have to print out their diplomas. You will find information on receiving diplomas on your School's website. If a graduate is unable to be present by himself/herself, his/her diploma can be given to an authorised representative –  digitally signed, scanned or photographed unattested authorisation documents, which must be previously sent to the dean's office by e-mail, are accepted.

Graduation ceremony of the School of Information Technologies will be on June 19 at 6 pm. Broadcast of the Graduation Ceremony  

Graduation Certificates can be picked up at the IT Dean's Office within the period of 25.06.2020 - 10.07.2020:
Mon-Thu from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Fri from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Winter graduates can pick up their graduation certificates before Midsummer Day.

Bring an ID. If you are not able to come in person, the certificate can also be picked up by an authorised representative - digitally signed, scanned or photographed power of attorney is accepted, which must first be sent by e-mail to your Dean's Office it@taltech.ee.

There will be a photo wall in the lobby of the IT building, where graduates have the opportunity to take a picture with a graduation certificate. 

See the list of 2020 graduates

Graduation Ceremony of Bachelor's and Applied Higher Education of the School of Engineering will be on June 19 at 6:30 p.m. Broadcast of the Graduation Ceremony

See the list of 2020 graduates

Graduation Ceremony of Master’s and Integrated Studies of the School of Engineering will be on June 19 at 7 p.m. Broadcast of the Graduation Ceremony  

See the list of 2020 graduates

 You can pick up your graduation documents from June 25 to July 10, 2020 at the Dean's Office of the School of Engineering.

Monday to Thursday:

  • from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Bachelor's degree graduates
  • from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Master's and integrated studies graduates
  • Fridays from 9  a.m. to 12 p.m. all graduates

At Virumaa and Tartu Colleges, graduation documents can be picked up on site.

If you are not able to come in person, the certificate can also be picked up by an authorised representative - digitally signed, scanned or photographed power of attorney is accepted, which must first be sent by e-mail to your Dean's Office.

There is a photo wall in the lobby of the main building, where graduates have the opportunity to take a picture with a graduation certificate. 

The Graduation Ceremony of applied higher education and Master's Degree at Virumaa College will be on June 17, at 16.00. Broadcast of the Graduation Ceremony. 
The College will issue a graduation certificate to the 1000th graduate this year.

Graduation Ceremony of the School of Science will be on June 18 at 6:30 p.m. Broadcast of the Graduation Ceremony 

You can pick up your Graduation Certificate at Dean's Office of your School within the period of 29.06. - 10.07.2020. Please, schedule your time in advance at loodusteaduskond@taltech.ee.

Be sure to bring your ID.

If you are not able to come in person, an authorised representative can also pick up the certificate - digitally signed, scanned or photographed power of attorney is accepted, which must first be sent by e-mail to your Dean's Office.

There will be a photo wall in the lobby of the IT building, where graduates have the opportunity to take a picture with a graduation certificate. 

See the list of 2020 graduates

Graduation Ceremony of the School of Business and Governance will be on June 18 at 6 p.m. Broadcast of the Graduation Ceremony

You can pick up your graduation certificate at the dean's office on June 18 and 19 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Graduates of the HAPM, TARM, HAAM, BDMR and BDÄR programmes are asked to pick up their diplomas on June 20 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Please bring an ID.

If you would like to receive your graduation certificate at another time, please let your academic advisors know by e-mail.

There will be a photo wall in the lobby of the SOC building, where graduates have the opportunity to take a picture with a graduation certificate.

See the list of 2020 graduates

Graduation certificates will be issued at the Center of the Blue Economy on July 3 and in the main building of the Maritime Academy on July 7. There is also a photographer on site on both days.

More information about digital ceremonies is coming in the near future.
