The TalTech Academic Ethics Committee has been established in order to support finding solutions to ethical challenges at the university. We act in cooperation with the whistle-blower hotline. We provide needs based expert advice in settlement proceedings, situations of conflict of interests, matters of equal treatment. Academic fraud issues are usually resolved within faculties.
The Academic Ethics Committee includes representatives from all faculties, strengthened by extra members from among the academic community, both junior and experienced, men and women. We also have the opportunity of involving experts from within the university to the committee’s work.
As of this year our tasks also include providing ethical expert opinions on research projects – anyone is welcome to seek advice. For example, several Horizon projects require ethical assessments.
At TalTech we consider it very important that everyone is informed about and adheres to agreements, good practices and legislation. As scientists we promote research in the society, freedom of thought, researchers working for the benefit of the mankind, we prepare young people, the future generation for the world of science and we are accountable for what we publish. At TalTech we are building foundations for becoming the leaders in engineering sciences.
People most often feel challenged by their inner moral compass and ethical requirements stemming from their role. Whether you are a a teacher or researcher, the way you solve problems may differ or depending on whether you are scientist or a representative of the university at a board.
We at our Committee have set raising awareness about ethics and creating supporting materials as our objectives. Everyone should understand their role and contribute to the enhancement of ethics within the university.
You can find information about the Academic Ethics Committee on the Intranet as well as the university website under the section ’Management’.