Tallinn University of Technology

The Physiology in Focus 2023 conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia, September 14 - 16, 2023. It is the first joint physiology meeting of the Scandinavian Physiological Society (SPS), the Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS), and the Baltic Physiological Societies.

Physiology in Focus 2023

Physiology in Focus 2023 presents an exciting programme featuring exceptional plenaries, keynote lectures and cutting-edge symposia. To ensure a strong fingerprint from you, the active physiologists, the programme is founded by the enthusiasm of Special Interest Groups and Early Career Physiologists engaging in topic-specific pre-meetings and the legendary FEPS-sponsored young investigator symposium.

Conference committee:
Marko Vendelin, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia (Chair)
Rikke Birkedal, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Margarethe Geiger, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Jana Kivastik, University of Tartu, Estonia
Martin Laasmaa, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Aavo Lang, University of Tartu, Estonia
Jens Georg Leipziger, Aarhus University, Denmark
Vladimir V. Matchkov, Aarhus University, Denmark
Helle Prætorius Øhrwald, Aarhus University, Denmark
Eero Vasar, University of Tartu, Estonia

Looking forward to seeing you in Tallinn!

Futher information: https://sps-feps-2023.eu/home/

The conference is supported by the Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu.