Researcher Natalja Buhhalko from TalTech Department of Marine Systems visited Iceland to implement activities of ImproveMicro project. A kick-off meeting was organised together with partners from Latvia, Finland and Iceland.

The aim of the project is to improve research performance and strengthen international cooperation in the field of microplastics research. The meeting focused on current challenges in microplastics research, potential solutions, and funding sources. Project partners presented their skills and infrastructure, and were shown the microplastic sampling equipment and process in one of Iceland’s lakes.
Additionally, as part of a project investigating microplastic pollution in Latvian and Icelandic seas and lakes, microplastic samples were collected in the surface water layer of three Icelandic lakes, and two fjords. The aim was to gather information about the extent of microplastic pollution and to evaluate the quality of the sample collection method that was used. This project supports the priority areas and directions of action in the Arctic region set by Latvia as an observer state of the Arctic Council.
These activities were undertaken in the framework of Baltic Research Program project no. EEZ/BPP/LZP/2023/3 , EEA-RESEARCH-89-RC “Strategic initiative to improve research performance and strengthen cooperation in microplastic pollution field (ImproveMicro)”.