Tallinn University of Technology

The second (Lithuanian round) of the EEA Baltic Research Programme funded the research proposal submitted by Vilnius University titled „Micro-level responses to socio-economic challenges in face of global uncertainties“ (Global2Micro). The project aims to achieve a deeper understanding of how societies adjust their behaviour in the uncertain and evolving environment caused by events such as an increased concentration on domestic matters and engagement in trade wars by the US, the British decision to leave the European Union and an increase in global political and economic power by China, as well as current pandemic and global lockdowns.

The duration of the project is 3 years (01.01.2021-31.12.2023) and it is coordinated by Vilnius University. The consortium partners in addition to Tallinn University of Technology, are BI Norwegian Business School, Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies (BICEPS), University of Tartu and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

The TalTech project team involves professors Kadri Männasoo (Project Leader) and Aaro Hazak and PhD students Heili Hein, Artjom Saia and Helery Tasane.

In total, 79 applications were submitted at the second round of the EEA Programme, out of which 11 were approved.

Additional information: https://www.lmt.lt/en/news/11-baltic-research-projects-led-by-lithuanian-scientists-receive-more-than-10-million-euros/3543

Project website