Tallinn University of Technology

The Academic Staff of the Year is Mari-Liis Ummik, the Staff of the Year is Liisi Blank, and the Achievement of the Year is the Establishment of the Thermal Unit Laboratory.

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Mari-Liis Ummik and Kertu Lepiksaar with certificates

This year, the Department of Energy Technology launched a new tradition, recognizing the best performing employees and the most important achievements. The first awards were given at the festive meeting on December 6.
The 2023 honorees are:
The Academic Staff of the Year of the Department of Energy Technology is MARI-LIIS UMMIK. Mari-Liis contributes significantly to the department's research and teaching activities and business cooperation.
LIISI BLANK was awarded the honorary title of Staff of the Year, she is outstandingly committed to the performance of her duties in the department's accredited laboratory.
The Achievement of the Year is ESTABLISHMENT OF THE THERMAL UNIT LABORATORY, the employees of the department, who contributed to the construction of the heat node alongside the companies, are KERTU LEPIKSAAR, JANEK REINIK, TÕNU PIHU and ALAR KONIST.
Congratulations to all those recognized and many thanks for your dedication and results!