Tallinn University of Technology

Professor Tanel Kerikmäe invites everyone to listen to the discussion between the world’s most influential individuals

A high-level conference is going to be held in Rome on 17–18 November, and according to Tanel Kerikmäe, Professor at the Department of Law of TalTech, who is a knowledge partner and member of the organising committee of the event. Representatives of TalTech are also invited to participate in person or online.

Tanel Kerikmäe
Professor Tanel Kerikmäe

What is this event about? ‘The International Forum on Digital and Democracy’ (IFDAD2022) is an international conference taking place in Rome that convenes prominent opinion leaders and thinkers from academic circles, politics, as well as many other organisations.

‘We will be discussing the most significant and intense topics of modern times,’ Kerikmäe explains the focus of the conference. ‘The possibilities of using digital technology and data directly affect what we will define democracy, the rule of law, and the welfare state in the future.’ According to the organisers, the overarching goal is to be a meeting place for scientists and politicians, promote international cooperation, and share and exchange information, ideas, and good experiences.

‘The forum that takes place in November focuses on digital inclusion and decision-making in the context of digitalisation. We are delighted to have been invited to be a knowledge partner of the forum,’ Kerikmäe declares on behalf of the Department of Law of Taltech.

The idea is the brainchild of the former Head of the European Commission

According to Kerikmäe, the backstory of the conference attests to its high level. ‘The event was born from an idea formed by Jeffrey D. Sachs, an influential economic scholar from the US, and the former President of the European Commission, Professor Romano Prodi.’ This means that the speakers are also globally well-known. For example, this year’s event includes the Vice President of the European Commission Věra Jourová and the oft-quoted Professor Manuel Castells, whose research includes globalisation, network society, and the Internet. In addition to speakers from such top universities as Stanford and the UCL (University College London), many prominent practitioners are going to take the floor.

The forum takes place on 17–18 November in Rome (see the programme) with two online sessions on Thursday and Friday afternoon and a local event on Friday morning, which is also going to be transmitted live.

Asking questions from opinion leaders

To ensure a successful and exciting event, the speakers and attendees are given a chance to communicate. Therefore, the programme contains several Q&A sessions. Similarly to past events, the participants are asked to vote for the best academic work presented at the conference. The winner is announced at the end of the forum.

Those interested can register HERE. Please note! Registering guarantees access to all sessions on the online conference platform and entry to the event that takes place on Friday morning in Rome at Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Via della Conciliazione 10.

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